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Data Aging in SAP HANA

The data aging concept makes it possible to distinguish between current, "HOT", data and old, "COLD"), data within SAP HANA database tables. Application programmers define which data is hot or cold in a special temperature column in a database table. The entries in this column partition the data in the database table and makes it possible to archive obsolete data in a transparent way for application programmers.

Data aging coverage can be enabled and disabled for an AS ABAP using the profile parameter abap/data_aging. If data aging coverage is enabled, the database interface reads only current data (and no obsolete data) each time an SAP HANA database is accessed. This setting can only be overridden for CDS views and CDS table functions with the annotation @DataAging.noAgingRestriction:true. If a CDS entity with this annotation is accessed using Open SQL, all data is read.


  • Hot and cold data can be handled implicitly only on SAP HANA databases. On other databases, the database interface always reads all data. The value false for the annotation @DataAging.noAgingRestriction of a CDS entity is ignored here.
  • From a technical perspective, the database interface is appended to every SQL statement using the addition WITH RANGE_RESTRICTION('CURRENT');. For this reason, Native SQL statements should not be ended with a semicolon ; when using EXEC SQL or ADBC for the SAP HANA database.


When the CDS view sales_order_12 is accessed, all data is read on SAP HANA databasesand not just data flagged as "HOT" in the database table snwd_so.

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'SALES_ORDER_2012'
define view sales_order_2012 as
  select from snwd_so
         { key snwd_so.so_id,
               snwd_so.buyer_guid as customer_guid }
  where snwd_so.created_at >= 20120101000000.0
    and snwd_so.created_at < 20130101000000.0;

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