
09514 - Conscientious objection denied

09514 - Conscientious objection denied

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Conscientious objection denied

This is not the place for this and is very unprofessional.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Cummins <> []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 6:23 AM
Subject: Re: Conscientious objection denied

This has NOTHING to do with SAP on iSeries. Volker or who ever, get
him OFF.

--- In, "Raja Mattar" <rgmattarZc...>
> Conscientious objection denied
> Former President Clinton says that he will "Die for Israel"
> so he has
> now openly shown his true colors. We knew this adulterous,
> liar and
> arrogant Irish American was in bed with the Jews but the
> Arab world
> needs to wake up and see this.Today I have cut all
> relations with
> every American I know, Muslim and non-Muslim and I will
> adavise all
> Arabs and Muslims to do the same.War has been declared and
> the
> American military are about to bomb Iraq again even though
> they
> already killed many Arabs including startving 1,000,000
> Iraqi babies
> while their white babies multiply like rats in America.They
> haveno
> concern for the Arab race and once i believed that
> Christians and
> Jews could get along with Muslims,now I see that prophecy
> was right
> we will go to war with them and we must invade Europe as
> well.They
> are rats of the human race and no good.Every American will
> be
> unsubscribed from here,we don't want to waste our time on
> anything to
> do with you all.There is only one way to free palestine and
> its not
> talking!
> A Christian friend of mines showed me an article in the
> American
> Jewish dominated Newspaper yesterday and I was surprised
> because 12
> years ago when I wrote for a Palestinian Arab Magazine
> based in
> Florida's Tampa Bay, it was underground. Yes, in the same
> so-
> called "free country", we had to write articles underground
> and send
> it off just like the Jews of Hitler's Germany. Americans
> have yet to
> realize that our generation is a generation that grew up
> either under
> occupation from the Israelis or witnessed American support
> of it as
> well as in our schools, books, movies and all forms of
> media.
> Therefore don't blame us for being angry now, don't blame
> us for
> seeing no hope but war now and don't even claim to
> understand because
> you don't and never will simply because this has not
> happened to you
> yet! Your fate is yet to come promised by God and it will
> be in the
> form of great earthquakes, floods, missiles from the skies
> and
> whoever survives, Jesus(AS) will be there to slay you
> unless you were
> a practicing Christians who truly understood Jesus'
> teachings which
> is no different from all 240,000 Prophets(AS) of God sent
> to mankind
> to warn them of the oneness of God, the first of the 10
> Commandments.
> Since Americans have thrown out morals through the window,
> don't care
> about suffering nations even though the Holy Bible tells
> them that
> the "meek shall inherit the earth" and they were warned
> about Sodom
> and Gomorra but still they do not listen as they will not
> to what I
> am writing here to too. However, my Christian friend gave
> me a copy
> of this article which I want to share with you entitled,
> My Arab
> brother Fassed says,
> "Ayman missed his second birthday. He was only 18 months
> old.
> Mohammed did not pass the age of 4; Diana was only 5; Mona
> was killed
> with her children, Subhi died with his 5 year old son.
> Diana Matar
> was only two months old and Ala Matar was 11 years old.
> What on earth did they do wrong? They were not allowed to
> live in
> freedom, not to live at all. Ariel Sharon called July 23
> bombings in
> Gaza "a great success". He added, "we of course have no
> interest in
> striking civilians and are always sorry over civilians who
> were
> struck.
> But Palestine Red Crescent Society statistics show that
> Sharon lies.
> With 1,669 Palestinians killed and 19,792 injured, of which
> most are
> civilians, who can believe him?"
> COMMENTS: For those who do not understand what he is saying
> here,
> Brother Fassed is referring to the recent attacks on
> civilians with
> an American made F16 Fighter plane which dropped a 1,000 lb
> bomb in
> Gaza, Palestine which killed 15 Palestinians. Just imagine
> that same
> 1,000 lb bomb being dropped in your American neighborhood
> and killing
> your children? Oh you cannot because for the last 53 years
> and in
> particular 35 years you refused to even listen or learn or
> read about
> it! My Arab brother continues to say:
> "All countries that still supply Israel with arms are
> complicit in
> this war crime. The United States, Britain, the
> Netherlands, and
> others supply Israel with the tools to erase the existence
> of
> Palestinians on their own land. Will the perpetrators face
> trial?
> Will Sharon, other Israeli officials or the pilot who
> dropped the
> bomb be exposed to criminal prosecution in Israel or
> elsewhere under
> the principle of universal justice?
> I read that a Spokesman for the United Nations, Fred
> Eckhard, has
> said that "Israel has a legal and moral responsibility to
> take all
> measures to avoid the loss of innocent life." That same
> global body
> did not want to know the truth about what happened in Jenin
> and
> Nablus during April's attacks by Israeli troops.
> It's self-defense," says Israeli spokesman Gideon Meir, in
> justifying
> state terror. But if you want to defend a country, its
> borders must
> be set. Expanding territory is not "self defense",
> oppressing a
> nation is not "self defense", depriving children of the
> right to
> live, the right to education, the right to work, and the
> right to
> development cannot be termed "Self-defense."
> COMMENTS: The fact is Europe and America are directly
> responsible
> for the occupation and state terror Palestinians face
> funded by their
> own people via their tax money. Israel is an illegal state
> imposed on
> the state of Palestine to which even the Red Necks Bible
> thumbing
> people of Southern U.S. knows as Philistine in their
> Bibles. However,
> their arrogance is so much and their stupidity is so much
> that they
> don't even know that the word "ALLAH" is Arabic meaning
> "GOD". They
> believe that "ALLAH" is something else, so if their level
> of
> intelligence is so great, how can they truly see or
> understand what
> is going on? It's like asking a Donkey, do you understand
> Einstein's
> formulae? Then, they stubbornly support Israel in every
> step you take
> so much that everyday on the News you either hear about
> September
> 11th 2001 or about israeli's so called "victims" and they
> never give
> a balanced view of the Palestinian plight! Last night we
> all heard of
> 5 Americans killed in occupied Palestine called Israel and
> I am glad
> for them! It should have been more because they know very
> well what
> they are doing by going there to support aggression and
> some who
> survived even said that they would stay. Hamas should NEVER
> have to
> apologize for Americans killed there because they choose to
> be there
> and that's the price for supporting a state terrorist
> illegal state
> of Israel on Palestinian lands.
> My brother Fassed continues to say in that article:
> "The key point about terrorism, on which almost everyone
> agrees, is
> that it is politically motivated. This is what
> distinguishes it from,
> say, murder or football hooliganism. Terrorism is
> calculated to
> terrorize the public or a particular section of it. In the
> American
> definition of self-defense, however, terrorism can never be
> inflicted
> by a state.
> Denying that states cannot commit acts of terror is
> generally useful,
> because it gets Israel and its allies off the hook in a
> variety of
> situations.
> Recently and in the past, Western countries, in particular
> those that
> support Israel, tend to define "terrorism" in such a way
> that acts
> describable as "terror" are applied mostly to resistance
> groups and
> rarely to states. According to Israel, all acts of
> resistance by the
> Palestinians are forms of terrorism, including acts against
> Israel's
> occupation forces. This definition of "terrorism" renders
> it
> meaningless."
> COMMENTS: The fact is, America, Israel and Europe know very
> well what
> they are doing and are not ignorant of their evil actions
> towards the
> oppressed people of Palestine and to what they are doing to
> Muslim
> Holy lands as the Zionist Israelis have begun to turn one
> of the
> three Holy places in Palestine, the Ibrahimi Mosque into a
> Jewish den
> of pork, wine and filth with not a single World U.N.
> organization
> condemning it and taking physical action to stop it from
> happening.
> However, if a Muslim army is raised to defend it you will
> see how
> quickly these same Christian and Jewish hypocrites would
> move to
> condemn that action and even take military action against
> it. So,
> Arabs and Muslims must understand that we have no friends
> in the
> Great Satan of the U.S., in the evil countries of Europe
> and of
> course in the devil child of Israel. When this is clearly
> understood
> then the inevitable war will begin to rid us of these
> devils once and
> for all. It is fine for them to drink their beers, eat
> their pork
> burgers and insult us by using racial stereotypes but we
> must suffer
> in the U.S. and outside the U.S. for it. I call on the Arab
> armies of
> Salahudeen Ayyubi who drove the Christian crusader
> fundamentalists
> back to Europe when they attacked us about 1,000 years ago
> to rise
> and unite us! Unite us all!!
> My brother Fassed continues to say:
> "in 1948, the Nations of the World adopted the Universal
> Declaration
> of Human Rights, which says, "It is essential, if man is
> not to be
> compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion
> against
> tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be
> protected by the
> rule of law."
> International humanitarian law prohibits attacks on the
> civilian
> populations as such, as well as individual citizens. Acts
> or threats
> of violence, the primary purposes of which is to spread
> terror among
> a civilian population, are prohibited.
> Israel's use of terror has been qualitatively and
> quantitatively much
> higher than that of the Palestinians. The number of
> civilians killed
> as the result of actions by Israel, both before its
> creation and
> after, has far exceeded the number of Israeli civilians
> killed by
> Palestinian groups. "
> COMMENTS: Someday I wish the Arabs would wake up like I did
> as a
> former Honorary Member of the U.N. until I realized that
> they are
> nothing but a front for the American Government's foreign
> policy.
> Every country it goes into is usually a country where
> America has
> interests and wants to keep it that way from the post Cold
> war to
> America's new so-called enemies, the Arabs and Muslims. We
> have been
> at war with America but we did not realize we were at war
> with her
> because our enemies have hid behind the skirts of the
> American High
> tech military but even that is vulnerable as we have seen
> in Lebanon
> in 1982 and in Somalia in the movie depicting Somalia Arab
> warriors
> bravely facing a Superpower and causing it to run with its
> tails
> between its legs out of the lands of people of color. You
> would also
> have noticed that even though America went to war with
> England for
> its independence, today America and England are practically
> in bed
> screwing each other and acting along their mutual
> interests. In the
> end, Arabs and Muslims have to wake up to this reality that
> we are
> alone in our struggle for freedom and justice and there is
> only one
> way to achieve that: to wage a war against our enemies with
> the
> exception of Dajjal (America) as Allah (God in Arabic) has
> set aside
> His own punishment for this miserable Empire of evil or the
> Great
> Satan. A special Prophet called Jesus(AS) will slay Dajjal
> as
> prophecy says and this is why we are warned not to touch
> the BEAST
> for we are NOT Christ!! Killing the Beast is his job not
> ours. Our
> job is to see Isreal destroyed so that it will not rear its
> ugly face
> again ever for future generations of Arabs and Muslims. Our
> job is to
> invade Europe and take back what was stolen from us and the
> continuing oppression faced by our people there and by the
> dictators
> they maintain in our Holy Lands. However, even greater, our
> job is to
> unite with the Imam Mahdi (AS) from Iraq to destroy the
> Anti-Christ
> who will rise from Syria and use the struggles in Palestine
> and the
> reintroduction of the state of Palestine to suppress us
> even more
> than the Zionist Jews. Keep in mind that Syria has the
> largest army
> in the Middle East and they have not fired one shot into
> Israel in
> the last 20 years yet, as of last night Israeli American
> made tanks
> are rolling in Palestinian neighborhoods and Syria still
> remains
> quite. It is the duty of Syrian Arabs to overthrow
> President Basher,
> executing him and using his army to completely free
> Palestine and
> destroy this evil child so as to never worry about it
> again!
> InshaAllah!!
> My brother Fassed continues to say:
> "Dehumanization through Political language paralyzes normal
> human
> empathy and disrupts moral inhibitions. Ariel Sharon's
> insistence on
> mopping up "2,000 terrorists" in the Sabra and Shatila
> camps in
> Lebanon in 1982 was virtually a mandate for the
> indiscriminate
> slaughter of 2,000 Palestinians by Christian Militias.
> Every minute the world remains silent and inactive the more
> violence
> is tolerated. Someone has to stop this. Someone has to take
> action-
> before it is too late."
> COMMENTS: The fact is, the Americans although seemingly
> stupid at
> what the American government does to them locally, are
> aware of what
> is going on in Palestine, they have had decades to know
> that brought
> to them by our forefathers and by ourselves in the last 12
> years at
> least. However, they choose to ignore it and that's why
> they are
> rushing to Israel to support it and that's why I simply do
> not care
> how many American lives are taken on Palestinian soil in
> freeing
> their lands from the isrealis. The Isrealis have hijacked
> America and
> now they have hijacked American citizens to get involved in
> their
> fight to steal lands and commit vast violations of human
> rights
> abuses. MY cousin was assassinated in Lebanon by Sharon
> yet, he has
> not been tried for it and never will, so if he won't get
> justice,
> then we must bring justice to the Zionist Jewish Pig! This
> is why I
> am fed up of all our attempts to get Europeans, European
> Americans
> and even Arab leaders to stop this Israeli aggression. It
> will never
> stop that way because the same people we are looking to
> stop it are
> the people involved in it! The average Christian and Jewish
> American
> don't care about the Arabs or Muslims even though we
> obviously have
> too much compassion and concern for them. They will not
> effect
> change; the only people to free Palestine will be the
> Muslims and
> Arabs. Even the Christian Palestinians have fled to
> countries like
> Chile where 350,000 Palestinians of Christian background
> live today,
> so the Arab Muslim Palestinians are the ones mainly dying
> and who
> cares for my brothers and sisters who are dying either by
> Israeli
> hands or resisting Israeli hands via suicide bombings? NO
> ONE!! So we
> should stop wasting time, money, effort with the American
> people and
> European and raise instead our army to invade Europe,
> destroy Israel
> and end this Christian aggression towards us which is clear
> and
> clearer everyday. The Prophecy that we are told that the
> "Cross will
> wage a war against the Crescent" has already begun, Muslims
> and Arabs
> have to wake up and realize it and "fight in the way of God
> all those
> who fight against you but lo begin not hostilities,"
> according to the
> Holy Quran which gives us our God given right to defend
> ourselves and
> especially now that the world has failed to help us, they
> should made
> to never forget the suffering they have placed our people
> in for the
> last century indeed what Europe has committed against
> people of color
> for the last 500 years at least. Hope from their present
> generation
> which to my analysis is more racist, more stubborn, more
> arrogant and
> adds to our oppression than their own parents will never
> come.
> Someone once said to me, If you want something done, you
> have to do
> it yourselves. We will never be free but in death
> struggling for our
> freedom and justice. Malcolm X also said this of the Afro
> Americans
> who are still kissing the arses of European Americans for
> their
> freedom. Blacks in American must be willing to die in order
> to be
> free in a land in which they are still not free as the
> Whiteman still
> keeps lynching them with bullets dressed in Police uniform
> and State
> Judges' uniforms and American Indians will never regain
> their lands
> if they continue to live on Reservations or as the American
> cousins
> (Isrealis) call them in Palestine, "refugee camps", they
> must be
> willing to scalp heads as their forefathers to free
> themselves. A
> mighty army can fall and if a guerilla group learns to use
> the
> weapons of the oppressor against it then that is a step in
> gaining
> one's freedom. It is imperative to cut relations with those
> who will
> do harm to us, those who we will waste time on baby sitting
> for the
> Whiteman, and those who will never change or understand.
> God says in
> the Quran that many will be like the cattle, dumb, deaf and
> stupid to
> His message and they will see religious laws and morality
> as a burden
> until that day when they need HIM. Then they will say we
> believe and
> we knew all along but find fault with the devil who shall
> say, I only
> whispered in their minds and they choose to do the wrong;
> they knew
> the right but ignored it all along.

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