
Komplette Profilparameter Dokumentation von /AAA bis ZZZ

Komplette Profilparameter Dokumentation von /AAA bis ZZZ

Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.
Count: 1638 Skipped: 0
maximum log size for individual fields in ASSERT-Log (in Bytes)
Internal settings for "ACI" module of ABAP runtime
Restricts the size of grid data send to the frontend
Einstellung für das vorausschauende Generieren
Laufzeitanalyse: Generischer Meßdatendateiname
Laufzeitanalyse: Warnung bei dieser Speicherlimit
Laufzeitanalyse: Neues Tracefile bei Wechsel der Transaction-Id
how to check the authority for catching a process for debugging
Program Buffer Size
Size of Cachebuffer (EXPORT TO CACHE)
Control multi pass compilation
Configure ABAP compiler diagnostic
Enables/Disables deferred generation within ABAP generation
Generate Dump on Error Message
Dynamisches ABAP: Modus fuer die Detailaufzeichnung festlegen
Dynamic ABAP: Number of Rows that are deleted at a Time
Dynamic ABAP: Retention Time of the Logs in Number of Days
Generic Pathname for Editor
Enable write check into field-symbol assigned to a read only table
External RSYN (for interal use only)
To restrict the usage of extern/HTTP debugging
Customer only: Exit on dynpro fields allowed
if this limit is reached, wp will be killed at next chance
Limit of heap memory per dialog work process
limit of heap memory per non dialog work process
limit of heap on Appl.Server
Host name of an appl. server for SAPGUI-Logon
Main switch for the ABAP Hotspot Trace
ABAP/4 Consistency Check
Automatic conversion in ABAP-statement IMPORT
determines the degree of the initial record compression
Enabling of parsing list structure
Print Quickinfos
reactivate old coding: setlocale(LC_ALL,.) for Japan
Character Set for the SAP System
maximal size of transitive definition environment of an object
Obsolete: Maximum size of an internal mode
prefix for filename
Developer Traces (SAP Internal Use)
Switches version of Native-SQL Interface
Object Manager: Disable Garbage Collection
Object Manager: Disable Type Garbage Collection
ABAP Objects Garbage Collector Speed (INTERNAL USE ONLY!)
Object Manager: Garbage collector in sequential mode
Object Manager: no-delete mode (INTERNAL USE ONLY!)
Object Manager: Overallocation Fraction (percent) (INTERNAL USE ONLY!)
ABAP Objects Object Manager Trace Level
ABAP Object Manager: Garbage Collection Trigger Space
Temporär: Verschäfung der Syntaxanforderen ab ABAP-OO
Settings for package check
Exceptional packages for package check
Version of Package Check
Enables parallel computation of ABAP statements
Mode of Operation of Program Buffer
P_A-Optimization Level in ABAP-Interpreter
Disallow debugging in case of a short dump
Ein und Aus-Schalten der Ausgabe der RFC-Statistik
Buffer Size for ABAP/4 Compiler
Set text environment when starting new internal mode
Size of Shared Objects Memory in MB
Switch on/off ABAP SHM String Sharing
reserve on Appl.Server
Enables sharing of internal tables
Handling of test code during the load generation
Time Synchronization
Unicode check for ABAP programs
activation switch
Set syntax check release compatibility for warnings
Reaction to Runtime Warnings
Syntax of ACL file
Activating Workload Statistics documentation
CCMS Monitoring Architecture: filename for intermediate storage of alerts
CCMS Monitoring: size in MB of central cache for monitoring data
number of bytes for CCMS monitoring infrastructure (in shm key 13)
CCMS Monitoring Architecture: filename for intermediate storage of treestructure
CCMS Monitoring Architecture: 24 hour history of performance monitor attributes
Mode of Operation of Precompiled Header Usage
The concrete product, which is installed as appliance.
file for output redirection of an OS/400 command
path name to output file
Use central database performance collector for IBM i
switch between classic DB monitor and plan cache dump
dbmon functionality enabled ?
Name der Bibliothek, die die DBMON Daten aufnimmt
Größe des Speicherbereiches für DBMON
Schema with database performance data for IBM i
data queue for work process
Enable the EVI stage 2 support
output queue for current work process
working context for R/3 instance
Every trace will be logged once in table USOBX
Maximum number of authorizations in user buffer (obsolete)
Method of storing authorizations in user buffer
Activation of the Profile Generator
Value 'N' prohibits disabling of authorization objects
Ausführung der RFC-Berechtigungsprüfung
Number of SU53 shared buffer entries per work process
Switch off automatic authorization check
Disables Tcode checking for SU53 & SU56 auth analysis
Jump into report rsusr400 at every authority-check
URI permission table: max. size of one table entry in characters
background processing: db-write for each step vs end-of-job
batch-input: check authorisation for activity DELE when delete TA
cancel batch-input processing when log-error occurs
activate authorisation check for RFC_CHECK_CONTEXT_ID
deactivate the transactional integrity check for Units in background RFC
activating authorisation check for ARFC_DEST_SHIP_EXTERN
activate authorisation check for RFC_SERVER_GROUP_RESOURCES
activate authorisation checks for bgRFC supportability remote function modules
Override selection of Parralel Alter Lock Manager
In BW keep views on hierarchy result tables for debugging
accept client switch of profile level for internet communication framework
accept external switch of profile level for internet communication framework
Line to define the default port for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the wait timeout for the Java Debug Proxy
Name of the HTTP header containing the cipher suite name
Specify codepage of R2 system / used by R2 sapgui
define an abbreviation for a long hostname
Truncate After Character for computer names
computername behind seperator character
Which side to truncate computer name
When truncating computer names, number of remaining c.
Enable content scan interface in ICM
Path and fille name for the external content scan adapter (shared library)
Grad der von Open SQL für JTS unterstützten Codepage Konvertierungen
Home Directory of ADABAS
ADABAS service
Minimal size of the LogSegment (ADABAS)
Minimal number of MaxLocks (ADABAS)
DB2/390: switch on/off CLI trace
DB2/390: CLI trace directory
Connection Profile for DB2/390
TCP address of database host
TCP address of standby database host
DB2/390: sets ICLI client trace
DB2/390 maximum primary quantity
DB2/390 plan name for dynamic SAP database interface
Owner of database objects for this component
DB2/390: set SQL trace level
DB2 subsystem/group attachment name
SSID for standy subsystem
DB2-z/OS: Switch for usage of DEFINE NO
DB2-z/OS: Switch for usage of DB2 Connect
Allow cancel of SQL operations using 'Stop Transaction'
Library that contains alternate QAQQINI file
Type of primary database connection
Database driver cache size
Switch to an alternate set of SQL packages
Maximum number of bytes transferred per request
DB2/400: dbsl trace settings.
specifies whether deferred close is switched on.
Database driver type used by DBSL
switch off commitment control for installation
specifies the maximum number of hostvars
Optimization method used by the DB2/400
File name for DB/400 logon information for application servers
'1' means opticonnect is used
Override selection of Parralel Alter Lock Manager
Allow ALTER TABLE while INSERTS occur in parallel
Library that contains QAQQINI file
Name of ASP group for independent ASP
Number of attempts to access locked tables/records
Enable the usage of DbSl hints in OpenSQL
Trace file created by XDN
create database statistics for BW temporary tables
DB6: CCMS maintenance enabling
DB2 UDB CLI trace
DB6: level for cumulative trace (CS-TRACE)
generic parameter for dynamic DBSL notifications
DB6: DbSl trace level
Trace directory for DBSl Trace
DB6: DbSl trace: number of I/O records to be traced
DB6: DbSl trace search string
DB6: DbSl trace display length for string/raw data
DB6: DbSl trace min time limit to be exceeded for tracing
DB2/CS Optimization Level
Decision what kind of DB statistics data to restore for DB2 (for AIX)
Decision what kind of DB statistics data to store for DB2 (for AIX)
DBA Cockpit: CCMS Maintenance Enabling
DBA Cockpit: Granularity of CCMS Maintenance Security Check
size of DBSL buffer used for array operations
maximum number of input parameters
maximum number of rows for array operations
maximum length of a SQL statement
size of statement cache
controls usage of array fetch feature
controls usage of buffer offset for blobs
controls usage of cursor insert feature
controls usage of free cursor feature
size of buffer for 'cursor insert'
controls level of optimized message passing
controls usage of optofc feature
size of buffer for 'array fetch' or 'bulk fetch'
maximum size for automatic statement cache reset
time interval for automatic statement cache reset
size of statement cache
maximum number of additional dirty read connections
name of database
MSSQL: Enable dbsl profile trace
maximal runtime for stored procedure execution
Disables cache profiling for MS SQL Server
size of network packet
Size of cache for parameterized statements. Only for statistics.
MSSQL: Prepare parameterized statements
size of name cache for permanent stored procedures
Cause every parameterized statement to be recompiled each time it's executed.
Schema name (or sql server user name). Always SID in lowercase.
name of host machine for SQL Server
Enable stored procedure statistics collection (st04 SAP stats on SPs).
MSSQL: Set UPDLOCK hint on all UPDATE SQL statements
additional (verbose) trace output by dbsl interface
generic field lists (*) allowed in Open SQL
Size of input/output buffer used for array operations
Close SQL statement after execution
Register application information in the Oracle Shared SQL Area
Owner of database objects for this component
Size of statement cache
global setting for openSQL hint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS
Logischer Name einer ORACLE Datenbank
Service Name for a Standby Database Instance (Oracle SQL*NET V2)
Generierung von Optimizer Hints bei Oracle
Sybase ASE: Set Client Attributes
Sybase ASE: Connection Timeout (seconds)
name of database
Sybase ASE: ODBC Prefetch Size (rows)
Sybase ASE: Enable ODBC Trace
size of network packet
Sybase ASE: Prepare parameterized statements
port of Sybase ASE database
Schema name (or ASE user name). Usually SAPSR3.
name of host machine for Sybase ASE
Sybase ASE: Enable dbsl SQL trace
Sybase ASE: Capture TDS Packets
Laufzeitanalyse: Verzeichnisname für Meßdatendateien
Directory for security audit files
Root-path of Oracle software on client side
The directory for the replication of the sapjvm
directory for datas
root path for EPS file transfer
directory for extract file
home directory
ICM root directory
Directory containing executables on the database server
path for memory inspector files
directory for paging file
Root directory for the R/3 upgrade
directory for reorganization
directory for roll file
Root-path of ORACLE software on the database server
directory for external sort
directory for temporary datas
root directory for transports
Disable command field during RFC debugging
accept external switch of trace level
max. number of entries in URI permission table
maximal length of group name in the group info table
Delete update requests after execution?
ftp password
remote ftp user
tool for download
remote shell command
Activate/Deactivate check start transaction with "skip first screen"
format of luw id (used for update key)
Enables/disables the usage of global fields.
Size of Dynpro Language- Dependent Load Area
current password needs to comply with current password policy
Dagnostic options for internal memory management in EG area
The maximum size of a heap extension
Space reserved for user context in work processes
maximum number of elements on list
Block size for extended memory
Size of the extended global memory area (EG) im MB
Initial size of extended memory pool
Maxmimum number of lines written to mm.dump
Maximum size of extended memory pool
Dagnostic options for internal memory management
Insert into history buffer over MB used
Write buffer onto disk all ... minutes
Quota for maximum consumption of extended memory on that server
Select locking method in extended memory administration
Defines implementation of MM
Max. number of subsequent asynchronous requests
Disables writing the backup file
Name (full path) of the backup file
Number of connect retries to standalone enqueue server
Timeout for connect establishment to standalone enqueue server
Offset for enqueue/wait operations
Log level for delays
Log time for delays
Number of retries if enqueue request is rejected
Maximum refine for Enqueue/wait operations
Dequeue: wait for answer of enqueue server?
Disables the enqueue replication system
Select fast or slow enqueue table implementation
Switch enqueue logging on/off
enqueue related logfiles for all workprocesses (path)
Communication between work process and Enqueue Server
Name of the shared library for the enque replication
Command string to be executed when repl. reload fails
ACL (access control list) file of the enqueue server port
Host Name of Standalone Enqueue Server
Instance Number of Standalone Enqueue Server
Timeout of query snapshots
Statistics file for Enqueue (full path)
Size of Enqueue Table
Length of the top lists in case of table overflows
Use pfclock2 to measure times in enqueue processing
ACL (access control list) file of the enqueue server port
Disable the recording capabilities of SAP GUI Scripting
Threshold for releasing memory within an EM block
Control EM usage against operating system
EM Memory beyond threshold will be released against OS
Use more efficient usage of EM blocks
Defines implementation of MM on UNIX based OS
Base virtual address to start allocating segments
Max blocks to not disclaim
Min Blocks to not disclaim
Number of blocks per seg to not disclaim
Number of segments to not disclaim blocks in
# of seg operations before averaged disclaim starts
Max segments to not disclaim blocks in
Min number of segments to not disclaim blocks in
Internal SHM Segs settings
Min segments in use to continue averaging
Max segments for private context usage
Max segemnts used for shared contexts
Number of segments to use for each work process
Maximum number of segments to use for ES
Segment size in MBytes
Max num of unused seg's before returned to system
Initial number of seg's to allocate from system
Number of ES users to support
Selection of ES implementation
Use shared memory based ext. memory (instead mmap)
Block size for extended memory
Initial size of extended memory pool
Customizing modifications on repository Objects
Info Workbench: Type of Extended Help (format/access)
Info Workbench: Installed Help Languages
Info Workbench: File path for Help on Mac Platforms
Info Workbench: File path for Help on OS/2 platforms
Info Workbench: File path for Help on UNIX platforms
Info Workbench: File path for Help on Win16 platforms
Info Workbench: File path for Help on Win32 platforms
Info Workbench: HTTP server for Help on Mac platforms
Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on OS/2 platforms
Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on UNIX platforms
Info Workbench: HTTP server for Help on Win16 platforms
Info Workbench: HTTP server for help on Win32 platforms
Name of dispatcher executable
Name of gateway executable
Name of gateway workprocess executable
Name of Internet Communication Manager (ICM) executable
Name of external binding executable for ports
name of SAP J2EE Engine executable or batch file
path of work processes
Command to be executed during startup
Command to be executed during startup
accept client switch of recorder level for internet communication framework
accept external switch of recorder level for internet communication framework
Set HTTPonly-Flag for Cookies
Enable tRFC/qRFC user switch for debugging
Filename for List of ABAP-warnings
generic filename for CCMS Monitoring Architecture alerts
syslog filter parameters for alert generation
generic filename for CCMS Monitoring Architecture MTE tree structure
limits, high-water-marks alert data
generic filename for CCMS Monitoring Architecture 24 hour performance history
Filename der Anwendungsstatistk Datei
Laufzeitanalyse: Generischer Meßdatendateiname
Name of security audit file
File name for old batch logfile
File name for joblog file
File name for old batch input logfile
File name for batch input logfile
File name for program sapcheck
File name for database
File name for database password file
File name for dispatcher process
Generic Filename fo ABAP-Editor Backup-File
File name for enqueue backup file
File name for enqueue log file
File name for enqueue reporting file
File name for enqueue statistic file
Generic filename for development environment
file name mask for extract file
File name for graphic executable
File name for graphic executable
Generic file name for executable
File name for graphic executable
File name for graphic executable
File name for graphic executable
File name for gateway process
file name for gateway startup file
File file for gateway work process
File name for Internet Communication Manager (ICM)
File name for executable sapmscsa
File name for system collector
file names used by SAP
File name for security file
File name for sideinfo file
Dateinamen-Maske für Geräteinitialisierungsdateien
Variable for stat/ind_file(Substitution)
File extension for audit log files (not supported)
File extension for binary files
File extension for data files
File extension for database files
File extension for executables
File extension for log files
file specifications used by SAP
File extension for pid files
File extension for statistics file
get dataset specification for operating system
URL of the certificate authority (for certificate requests)
UNC Path to global \usr\sap directory
CPIC and RFC: adopt remote trace level?
timeout for server login
ACL (access control list) file of the gateway
Mode for non existing ACL file
Alternative hostnames for localhost
Autoreload for gateway security files
Timeout for disconnect inactive SNA connections
Timer to close inactive routes between gateways
Compatible to version older than 3.0
Timeout to remove connections in state DISCONNECT
timeout for pending connections
Send CPIC security calls
Max. waiting time to establish connections
timeout for deallocate and socket close
Export trace level to external clients, gateways, ...
Tracelevel for programs started from the gateway
Timeout for incomplete network write operations
Timeout for connect from gateway workprocess
Long polling time for gateway work processes
Time between two work process restarts
Short polling time
Timeout to cancel inactive gateway connections
Max packet size for IMS
SIGN ON for IMS Systems
IMS SIGN ON command
Timeout for read/write calls
Timer for check unused connections
Start gateway workprocesses on demand or not
Maximum number of requests in state waiting for connection
use local address for connections
enable gateway logging
Maximum number of active connections
Maximum number of connections for gateway workprocess
Size of local memory area for SAP gateway
Percentage of overflow area
Maximum number of requests put into shared memory
Maximum number of requests put into shared memory per connection
Number of short pollings before long polling
Timeout for gateway reader for select
max number of sockets for gateway
Maximum number of gateway clients
Maximum number of gateway work processes
Enables or disables monitor commands
Command to get the own host adresses
Get own IP addresses only during startup
number of entries in network hostname buffer
timeout for 'invalid' entries in hostname buffer
flag to test work fragmentation
enable/disable tracing for network layer (NI)
Timeout for net lookup calls
Converational mode (communication with R/2)
enable gateway proxy settings
Receive type for gateway workprocesses
External security filename for gateway
timer for check waiting registered server programs
Default value for load
Define load value for specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses
Load balancing level for registered programs
Setzen von Security Leveln für sec- und reg_info
Timeout to allocate registererd programs
Remote shell command
How to start remote executables
Number of stacks for CPI-C communication
Timeout for net lookup calls
External security filename for gateway
Sideinfo file
Startet den Simulations Modus für reg_info und sec_info
Enable/disable socket option SO_KEEPALIVE
Secure shell command
Gateway stack size for internal communication
File read during startup to start external server
Verzeichnis festlegen in dem Programme angestartet werden
Statistic switch
Protect start of external programs
Timeout for connect to other gateways
enable/disable UDP port
Disable URL-Session-Tracking
size (number of entries) of the HTTP security session context cache
(Inactivity) Timeout for Http Security Sessions [in seconds]
Sze of ICM server cache
trust client with a certificate signed by this issuer
BIDI logic during printing
Optionsliste für ICF
Set HTTPonly-Flag for Cookies
switch the ICF memory cache on/off
Recheck user by following requests in stateful HTTP communication
Accept X.509 client certificate that was forwarded via HTTP
Accept external switch of trace level
Path and name of ICM authentication file
Cancel strategy of ICM
Switch on / off CCMS monitoring of ICM
Time interval (sec.) for CCMS alerting information of ICM
Timeout for outgoing connections
run system with standalone j2ee dispatcher dpj2ee
timeout to cancel JCo connections
Full qualified host name
Specify web based administration in ICM
Access Restrictions in the ICM and SAP Web Dispatcher
Quota (in percent) for number of contexts in backend system
Description where the error templates can be found
Static file access specification
Specification of communication with J2EE Server
Specify HTTP logging in ICM
Specify HTTP client logging in ICM
Maximum size of HTTP-request which is accepted by ICM
HTTP request modification specification
HTTP redirect specification
HTTP Request Timer
Specifies URL prefix and file system root of ICM/HTTP server cache
List of HTTP error codes to be handled as UFOs
Deliver header field "server:" with responses
Name of the HTTP header containing the client certificate
Name of the HTTP header containing the cipher suite key size
Quota (in percent) for number of contexts in backend system
SSL Client Certificate required?
Maximum size of IIOP request which is accepted by ICM
Keep alive timeout for inactive connections
Maximum number of requests in state waiting for connection
Level for syslog writing
Maximum number of open connections at one time
maximum number of ICM services (port/protocol)
Maximum sleep between network operations
Maximum numer of sockets to use
Maximum number of worker threads of ICM
Maximum Timeout in ms until ICM Worker Thread rolls out
Number of worker threads ICM tries to keep free
Minimum number of threads of ICM
Do not rollout ICM worker thread when entering keepalive
Maximum size of P4 request which is accepted by ICM
Maximum number of requests waiting for processing
Configuration of ICM security log
ICM server specification
Quota (in percent) for number of contexts in backend system
Create a specific SSL configuration
Stack size of ICM worker threads
Show encrypted data in ICM tracefile dev_icm
Min. number of MPIs which have to be available for roll-in
Maximum work process blocking time
Location of bwgis interpreter library
Location of gfwchart interpreter library
Location of imgconv interpreter library
Location of xmlchart interpreter library
Location of zipper interpreter library
IGS HTTP Listener parameters
IGS RFC Listener parameters
IP adress of IGS multiplexer
Port for the IGS multiplexer
Loadfactor for IGS portwatcher 1
Port for IGS portwatcher 1
Loadfactor for IGS portwatcher 2
Port for IGS portwatcher 2
IGS Tracelevel
Template for the subject of a certificate request
codepages installed on the application server
Don't use:code page used for non-transparent db tables
Don't use: Code page used in database
Collating sequence support in NLS shall be activated.
User identification used by whole R/3 towards the operating system
mask for modifying the file permission bits
Instance Identification
Service type of the instance
Use mutex implementation for semaphores
Use mutex implementation for semaphore %02d
Size of shared memory segments
Set NI hostname buffer timeout for invalid entries (int. DNS cache)
Set NI hostname buffer timeout for valid entries (internal DNS cache)
Default HTTP handler for root-URLs ("/")
Value for HTTP response header "Server"
Form of HTTP error pages (short or detailed)
Should the HTTP header contain the server entry
Definition of virtual server for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Definition of virtual host for HTTP
Define the encoding of the instance name
Official name of the application server
Official version of the application server
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Definition of virtual host for SMTP
Enable IPv6 (internet protocol version 6) communication
Switch on/off use of Unix Domain Socket (UDS) connections on server
Integrated ITS, max-age for its mimes
Integrierter ITS, HTML Kontextdump erlauben
Enable the ITS / Web GUI kernel plugin
Integrated ITS, remove parameter from url
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of frames
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum syncronisation states
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum subscreen names
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of subscreens
High water mark for the ITS kernel plugin
Turn on memory check in the ITS / Web GUI kernel plugin
SAP Gui for HTML, sapjulep automatic preprocessing
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum external functions
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum number of external modules
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum preparsed trees
SAP Gui for HTML, sapjulep profiling
SAP Gui for HTML, Search help number of results per page
limit access through ~design_base_url
enable ITS's own PSE for Applet Handshaking
Integrated ITS, allow additional okcode for start transaction
tracelevel of the its plugin new rendering component
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, agi interface
ITS/WebGUI ALV Gridview Control Trace
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, html diag
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, dataprovider
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, sapxgdk
SAP Gui for HTML, maximum tree nodes per page
Restriction of DTD processing for iXML
XML expansion factor for the iXML DTD restriction
Line to define the allowed ports for the Java Debug Proxy
Database driver location
Hostname of the J2EE database instance
Name of the J2EE database instance
Type of the J2EE database instance
J2EE instance ID
Message server host
Message server port
system number of the SCS instance
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: Pattern for display of global Object
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: size of internal call stack in bytes
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: various settings
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: memory usage before garbage collection
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: switch on/off trace files, "0" no "50" max. trace
CL_JAVA_SCRIPT: max. Size of Tracefiles in Bytes
Path list for property files to be read at startup
Extended trace on/off
Version string for backward compatibility 640 to 620
Depricated: Do not change
java home directory
Enable LDAP auto registration
distinguish name of SAP root node for LDAP auto registration
options for LDAP auto registration
relative distinguish name for LDAP auto registration
list of LDAP servers for auto registration
UNC Path to local \usr\sap directory
Accept SSO ticket logon for this (component) system
enable / disable rule-based X.509 certificate mapping
Create SSO tickets on this system
Disable Incoming CPIC Communications
disable multiple sapgui logons (for same SAP account)
Enable automatic unlock off locked user at midnight
Number of invalid login attempts until session end
Number of invalid login attempts until user lock
min. number of chars which differ between old and new password
min. number of digits in passwords
min. number of letters in passwords
Minimum Password Length
minimum number of lower-case characters in passwords
min. number of special characters in passwords
minimum number of upper-case characters in passwords
list of exceptional users: multiple logon allowed
Handling of password change enforcements in Single Sign-On situations
Password change possible after # days (since last change)
character set used for passwords
Dates until password must be changed
encoding and hash algorithm used for new passwords
Number of records to be stored in the password history
users of this group can still logon with passwords
System default client
maximim number of entries for the SAP Logon Ticket cache
switch off caching for the SAP Logon Ticket
generate ticket that will only be sent via https
ticket will only be sent back to creating host
update frequency / accuracy of logon timestamp
Option: clear ICM cache after restart
Line to define the listen port for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the strategy jars for the Java Debug Proxy
Sets the timeout value of the MDM ABAP API communication
Buffer size for memory pipes (MPI)
Total memory size in MB used for MPI
ACL (access control list) file of the message server admin port
ACL (access control list) file of the external message server port
ACL (access control list) file of the message server ext. bind port
ACL (access control list) file of the internal message server port
File with access control list for message server
Administration port for external clients
Option to trace events into trace file
Short description of message server
Connection timeout for clients
Maximum delay between two connections tries
Connection to domain server: max. number of tries
List of domain server
Port for external bind program (icmbnd)
Specify HTTP logging in message server
Port where HTTPS requests arrive
Maximum buffer length for HTTP requests
Use client's domain for redirect requests
Enable/disable HTTP handler routines called by message server
dynamically change HTTP logging
Lookup for SAP specific URL attributes
Maximum number of HTTP clients
Maximum number of listening HTTP ports
Port where HTTP requests arrive
Timeout for processing HTTP and HTTPS requests
Timeout for HTTP and HTTPS requests
SAP Web AS with ABAP stack required for dispatching requests
name of the application to load icf information for loadbalancing
Timer for check of unused connections
Maximum number of requests in state waiting for connection
Number of clients
Number of open requests
URI permission table: max. size of one table entry in characters
max. number of entries in URI permission table
max. URI length for an entry of the URI permission table
Timeout for message server for select
maximum number of virtual hosts
Enable/disable external monitor
enable/disable tracing for network layer (NI)
text file describing the URI permission table (Message Server)
status code for redirect requests
(De)aktivieren der Lastverteilung für sapevt
Message Server port specification
Timeout for read/write calls
URL for logon group information
URL for logon group information via HTTPS
URL for ABAP/Java information
URL for ABAP/Java information via HTTPS
maximum #days a password (set by the user) can be unused (idle)
Nametab buffers
Network timeout
Maximum number of attempts to get the number range buffer semaphore
Number Range Buffer Size
Name of Number Range Server
Name des installierten Gesamtsystems
Typ des installierten Gesamtsystems
Use instance and not host name in control file names
Maximum packet size for saplpd
Control of the automatic login user SAP*
maximum #days a password (set by the admin) can be unused (idle)
shared code cache size for the VMC
Discard insignificant message from host spooler
Discard insignificant message from host spooler
Discard insignificant message from host spooler
Discard insignificant message from host spooler
SOLO's Test
size of internal ICU sortkeys
no rfc commit in update task
Maximum number of ICM cache entries
Default expiration time for ICM cache entries
Available main memory for SAP instance
Switch for RBAM (Role Based Access Management): On / Off
RBAM Trace level
Access Control List for SAP GUI connections
decides about TH_DUMP_SERVER_STATUS functionality
Allows blocking softcancel requests if activated.
Buffer Size for CPI-C Communications
timeout for asynchronous dialog RFCs
List of the ATP server names
Specifies the time cycle in seconds SAPMSSY6 is running
Specifies the user for automatic SAPMSSY6 processing
Specifies the time cycle in seconds autojava is running
Specifies the user for automatic java processing
Time cycle for periodical taskhandler checks
DB errors will stop update task automatically
Avoid Kernel Tracing inside the signal handler
Name of application server that processes events
Start Interval for Background Scheduler
Buffer Refresh Mode
Refresh Interval in Distributed Systems
Calculate load average
switch on/off CALL 'SYSTEM'
Activate check of communication table
Number of configurable work processes
Configure maximum number of pooled contexts
Should we convert old passport records?
debug java vm startup
Time cycle for invoke of delayed functions
Cyclic Refresh of Table DDLOG
Enter developer loop during startup
Check for dynamic workprocesses
Number of Requests per Work Process
Name of the Enqueue Server
Delay before stopping the external timer process
Activate file table check of NW AS
Fallback for fast rfc
Maximum Time of no Input at the GUI
Enable dispatcher check for HTTP/SMTP requests
Number of waiting dialog work processes
Number of start errors before deactivating restart
j2ee path for shared library
internal opcode for monitoring
alternative name for SAP J2EE Engine profile
Enable start of J2EE engine
control start J2EE engine
start J2EE engine after ABAP initialastion
Reconnect timeout for J2EE Engine
Max. number of configurable Java VMs
pooling of java vms active ?
Timeout for pooled java VMs
Timer for check of unused connections
keep alive option for old sapguis
Timeout for connection to SAPGUI
max. number of appc blocks hold from queued requests
max. number of wp blocks hold from queued requests
Maximum number of alternative modes
Max. number of internal asynchronous messages
maximum number of processes that can be forked via popen
Maximum command run time
Maximum number of communication entries
Max. number of delayed interrupts inside critical sections
Maximum hold time for work processes in DEBUG mode
Max. live time of a dynamic work process
Maximum number of file entries
Maximum number of remote gateways
Maximum hold time of work process
Configure maximal number of Java VMs
Maximum number of server entries
Maximum hold time for work processes in PRIV mode
Time after which the dispatcher queues are processed
Size of shared lock table
Maximum hold time while priv SNC
Maximum number of update servers
max wait for debugger attach
Maximum time before starting a force SGC for a specific VM
Maximal number of VMs which could stay in private mode
Maximal time a VM can stay in private mode
Max time to contribute to a Shared Garbage Collection
Maximum work process run time
Configure minimal number of pooled Java VMs
Hostname where message server is located
Message Server service
internal port for server communication
Timer for check of message server connection
Timeout for connection to Message Server
Name of the local Application Server
Periodical nop for SAP work processes
Enable/disable writing core information
Exclude SAP statistic for some types of processing
Size of keep queue
Size of the Local Work Process Paging Buffer
Maximum size of SAP paging file
Size of paging buffer
Maximum time of no action for plugins (HTTP, ..)
Timeout for pooled plugin contexts
Activate plugin server pooling
Prioritätenklasse für den BTC-Workprozeß
Prioritätenklasse für den SPO-Workprozeß
Prioritätenklasse für den UPD-Workprozeß
Threshold for dispatcher queues
Reinitialize code page when processing request?
Types of work processes for automatic restart
Switch on/off reverse hostname lookup in dispatcher
Enable dispatcher check for asynchronous RFC
Quota for use of communication entries
Quota for logins
Quota for own logins
Quota for own used work processes
Quota for dispatcher request queue
Maximum wait time after load check
Number of waiting dialog work processes
Configure maximum number of pooled RFC server contexts
Timeout for pooled RFC connections
Activate RFC server pooling
Switch to enable/disable RFC quotas
max. number of entries for resource table
Maximum roll file size
Roll buffer size
Blocksize of Rollfile in Shared Memory
Name of paging file
Name of roll file
Activate session table check of VM Container
Max. time to read the shutdown trigger inside AUTO ABAP
Disable GUI login during shutdown
Max. lazy time for online user during shutdown
Max. time to wait for idle workprocesses during shutdown
Max. time for J2EE server shutdown
Max. wait time for load balance refresh during shutdown
Frequency to request logoff during shutdown
SNA gateway host
SNA Gateway service
Sequence of delays for the signals sent at a softcancel
Soft cancel timeout
Timer to trigger spool work processes
start internet communication manager
define internal kernal tables to be checked
Mode for checking of internal tables
Activate SAP roll test
verkürzt die asynchrone Phase am Ende eines Dialogschrittes
Activate/deactivate kernel time intervals
Maximum number of entries in tm_adm
Set developer trace level
Enable/disable trace for components
Set hide mode for developer trace
Switch on/off trace logging
Search pattern for trace logging
Search pattern for trace logging
Search pattern for trace logging
Maximum number of time stamps in tracefile per second
List of trace file types for automatic search
Connection timeout for clients
Set the umask for the SAP kernel
Number of retries after DB errors in update task
Enable lookup of RFC destination for backward GUI connection
use sql break function to cancel running sql statements
Mode of update dispatching for V2 updates
Delete old update requests
Send mail in case of an update error
Name of the Update Server
Delete uncomplete update requests
Perform initial update requests after start-up
Auto sync after specified number of updates
Mode of update dispatching for V1 updates
Dequeue if an error in the AFTER_COMMIT phase occurs
Switch to activate/deactivate update dispatching
Load balancing for Update Servers
List of the update server used for dispatching
Verbuchungskey: Reihenfolge der Key-Komponenten
Handling of SAP enqueues after update error
List of users to receive mails in case of update errors
Elapsed time for refreshing update server info
Make the update deactivation impossible
Auto sync for V2 update requests?
Start v2 update requests automatically?
Verbose level (for short dumps, system log, ..)
Activate roll out check of VM Container
Configure priority for VMC timeouts
alarm timer for vm container
Wait time for dead lock situations
Name of working directory
Max. number of work processes in SAP debug mode
Maximum number of work processes in PRIV mode
Automatic work process restart
Automatic work process restart
Work Process Communication Blocks
maximum number of startable work processes
Number of background work processes
number of dialog work processes
Number of Enqueue work processes
Number of restricted work processes
Number of spool work processes
Maximum number of spool workprocesses used for frontend printing
Number of update work processes
Number of update work processes for V2
Configure workprocess restart time
Activate/Deactivate table auditing
Pathname for Archive Files
Starts an executable and restarts it if it fails unexpectedly
default conversion character in case rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1
default whether rfc character conversion errors are ignored
Disable command field during RFC debugging
Enable tRFC/qRFC user switch for debugging
Activate HTTP-Debugging for RFC
Optionsliste für RFC
forces the use of the tables rfcdes contend instead of resolving the destinaton
reduces the RFC-information which is written into the WP and RFC-Traces
Reject RFC callback
for internal use only
Ausgabe von Informationen bzgl. misslungener RFC-Anmeldung
Enable Security Audit
Maximum space for security audit file
Maximum size of all security audit files per day
Maximum size of one single security audit file
Number of selection slots for security audit
Pattern for the Filenames of the SQL Audit
Maximum Size of a File of the SQL Audit
Directory for the Files of the SQL Audit
Switch for the SQL Audit
Defines the user selection method used inside kernel functions
Code page to be used to convert display-only data
code page to convert keyboard imput data
Code page used to convert proposals for input fields
(old) Fill key fields of TCP0C if they are empty.
How to handle missing double-byte characters
Asian multibyte characters in singlebyte codepages
Still use old table TCP0B?
intermediate code page to handle transcription
2nd intermediate code page to handle transcription
Use highlightning to indicate transcriptions
Use matchcode identification to indicate transcriptions
Use blinking to indicate transcriptions
Use reverse video to indicate transcriptions
CUA Buffer Size
Number of mutexes in CUA Buffer
Full path name of library for JCL submission service
Full path name of DB2/390 Performance Monitor Library
Standby Database Host
Standby Portnumber for Database Connect with ICLI
database host
SID of the Database Server
Size of 'export to/import from shared memory'-(ESM)-buffer [kB]
Expected size of the largest objects in ESM buffer
Maximum number of objects in ESM buffer
Number of mutexes in ESM-Buffer
Full path name of ICLI client shared library
Split factor for FOR ALL ENTRIES queries
Max. split factor for FOR ALL ENTRIES queries (IN opt)
Maximum bytes per character of the DBMS characterset
Min. split factor for FOR ALL ENTRIES queries
Min. split factor for FOR ALL ENTRIES queries (IN opt)
size of name cache for temporary stored procedures
switch off transformation of GE AND LE to BETWEEN
number of nametabentries administrated
data area size for field description buffer
data area size for Initial records buffer
data area size for Short NTAB buffer
Size of export/import buffer [kB]
Expected size of the largest objects in export / import buffer
Maximum number of objects in export / import buffer
Number of mutexes in Export/Import-Buffer
Hostname of the Oracle Database Server
Hostname of a Standby Database Host
SID of an Oracle RDBMS
Oracle SID of a Standby Database Instance
Size of Online Text Repository Buffer [kB]
Maximum number of objects in Online Text Repository Buffer
Number of mutexes in Online Text Repository Buffer
Set if fix blocking for FOR ALL ENTRIES is desired
set if IN (...) shall be used for FOR ALL ENTRIES (if possible).
set if JOIN shall be used for FOR ALL ENTRIES
set if UNION ALL shall be used for FOR ALL ENTRIES
Set optimistic cluster level
add or remove DB error codes that lead to DB reconnect
Syntax of the ping command
Influence the Sleeptime between two DB-Reconnect Attempts
Activation of a Database-Reconnect feature for Switch Over Software
Activation of the Synchronisation of all AppServer during the Database-Reconnect
Activation of the Database-Reconnect without Restart of the Workprocess
accelerate touch by not locking source before updating time stamp
Activate Extended Table Statistics
Table Access Times in Extended Statistics
Database Interface Trace Options
Path to file with key for the secure storage
Directory for the data files of the Secure Storage in the File System (ABAP)
Directory for the key files of the Secure Storage in the File System (ABAP)
Central Log File
Central Log Switch File
Log Collector Executable
Central Log Host
File containg the pid of the running collector process
Log Collector Talk Port
Local Log File Name
maximum diskspace used for the central syslog file(s)
maximum size of the local syslog file
File to store or read syslog messages for SE92
flag for auto start of sender process
Log Sender Executable
Log Sender Listen Port
pid file of sender process
statusfile of syslog sender
Log Sender Talk Port
internal syslog use
executable name for swap daemon
synchronous write to disk of syslog messages
Default print command: AIX
Sample print command: AIX
Sample print command: AIX
Format for output data for the ArchiveLink archiver
Activation of page limit check for spool devices
Activate internal memory checking
Default device for ArchiveLink requests
Pathname for file containing device initialization
Startup-Größe für Spool-Aktions-Liste
Number of entries in spool system's request queue
Anzahl Einträge in einem Shared-Memory-Cache des R/3 Spool Systems
Startup cache size for spool server cache
Print command for host system (access method L)
Command to request the status of the print job
Default print command: HP-UX
Sample print command: HP-UX
Server used for frontend printing
not used
Not used
Number of query retries until jobs go to problem state
Inactivation threshold for slow printers
Inactivation period for slow printers
Warning threshold for slow printers
Determines the number of spool IDs reserved at one time
Maximum loopcount for spool ID check
Upper limit of spool ID number range
Controls the allocation of spool numbers
Write statistic data for printjobs into TSPJSTAT
Write statistic data for printer queues into TSPQSTAT
Controls where TemSe stores data from R/3 spool
Number of attempts to connect to remote printer
Delay between attempts to establish LPD communication
Connect timeout
Read timeout
Write timeout
Name of file to send to host spooler
Maximum packet size for access method U
SAP trace: pass trace to RFC server
Size of trace internal buffer
Basic name of the tracefiles
Maximum number of trace files
Maximum size of one trace file (MB)
Internal use only
Internal use only
Size of cache for long multibyte characters
Define action for data dictionary checks in TemSe
Rule for creation of TemSe directory and filename
Rule for building TemSe file names
Rule for building TemSe file names
Rule for building TemSe file names
Size of single key buffer (partial buffer)
Size of Table Buffer Memory Frames
Directory entries in single key buffer (partial buffer)
Size of memory resident ICM server cache
Expiration time for UFO entries in ICM Cache
RZ11 transaction documentation
Prevent users from disabling the SAP GUI Scripting notifications.
Name of the HTTP header containing the prefix used for CA certificate
specifies the use of a secure connection
DB6: DbSl trace deadlock detection interval (seconds)
Control EM usage against operating system
number of arguments passed to the programm
argument string passed to the programm
Set the SAP GUI signature color to be used with this system
Set the SAP GUI theme to be used with this system
Enable or disable user scripting on the frontend.
Disable the recording capabilities of SAP GUI Scripting
Prevent users from disabling the SAP GUI Scripting notifications.
Check user priviledges to determine if user scripting should be enabled.
Enable or disable a read-only version of SAP GUI Scripting.
SAPJVM_VERSION determines which SAPJVM is replicated
Hostname where message server is located
identifier for operating system
Number to identify a SAP system
Identifier for SAP system
central host for transports
Kernel description: non-Unicode or Unicode
Kernel description: compare SAP_UC and wchar_t
Kernel description: SAP_UC
Kernel description: compare wchar_t and Unicode
Kernel description: size of wchar_t
System profile parameters
Use underscore to indicate transcriptions
create missing SCSA automatically
program to allocate SCSA
Identifier for Shared Common System Area
Identifier for Shared Common System Area
Shared Common System Area Size
Start address for Shared Common System Area
short description of the domain server
Domain name for domain server
file with domain description
port to listen
route to own domain
route out from own domain
file with message server descriptions
Default keylength of DSA-PSEs
complete path and filename for SAPSECULIB
Default keylength of RSA-PSEs
Maximum character length of ICM cache keys
List of HTTP error codes to be handled as UFOs
Set environment variable
SLD identifier unique in the cluster (if SAPDBHOST differs)
Log Collector Listen Port
Activate the license server functionality in this application server
Number of entries in buffer for digitally signed license keys
Activate high available SAPlicense
License check message server/database
Network ID servers for flexible license mechanism
Maximum network idle time on the license server connection
Time between reconnect attempts to the license server
Lcense server request timeout
Activates the connection to the license server
Defines the port of the license server
Saplicense-Puffer benutzen
Switch on/off synchroneous matchode writing
Accept insecure CPIC-connections to SNC-enabled Server
Accept insecure SAPGUI logins to SNC-enabled Server
Accept insecure internal RFCs on SNC-enabled Server
Accept insecure RFC-connections to SNC-enabled Server
Limit for data protection of Secure Network Comm.
Min. required data protection for incoming connections
Level of data protection for R/3 initiated connections
Enable SNC-Module (Secure Network Communications)
Enable login with external identity (DIAG)
Enable login with external identity (RFC)
Display login screen for each SNC-protected login
Filename for external GSS-API shared library
Name of application server for external Security Syst.
Enforce encrypted SAPGUI connections
Enforce encrypted RFC connections
Permit to start insecure programs when SNC is enabled
Quality of protection for internal RFCs with SNC
Use SNC for internal RFC-Communications
HTTPS: max. number of different client addresses for load balancing
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, itsp plugin
Parameter is used by transaction SPFL_FORMATTER
Identification string for host job ID
Background Work Processes Reserved for Job Class A
Name of the external SSF security toolkit
complete path and filename for SSF API external library
Message Digest Algorithm for SSF
Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for SSF
Name of the 2nd external SSF security toolkit
complete path and filename for 2nd SSF API external library
Message Digest Algorithm for 2nd SSF toolkit
Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for 2nd SSF toolkit
Name of the third external SSF security toolkit
complete path and filename for third SSF API external library
Message Digest Algorithm for 3nd SSF toolkit
Symmetric Encryption Algorithm for third SSF toolkit
Max. lifetime of a session in SSL client cache
Max. number of session in the SSL client cache
Filename of default PSE for SSL Client sessions
Defines if SSL PSEs are provided by ABAP or JAVA
Max. lifetime of a session in SSL server cache
Max. number of session in the SSL server cache
Filename of default PSE for SSL Server sessions
Filename for external SSL shared library
password downwards compatibility (8 / 40 characters, case-sensitivity)
Don't translate Japanese characters to upper case
Starts a SAP R/3 executable
Max. number of ad statistic records, created for one statistic record
Anwendungsstatistik: Groesse des SHM-Puffers
Anwendungsstatistik-Saetze sammeln
Anwendungsstatistik: Filename
Anwendungsstatistik: Schalter ein/aus
Number of astat-Files which can be held at a time
Anwendungsstatistik: max. Anzahl INITS (parallel)
Max. number of btc step statistic records for one statistic record
Size of the work process specific statistic buffer
Activate runtime checks for SAP statistic
Clock for SAP statistic
compress statistic records
Correct processing time in case of overflow of roll-wait time
Maximum number of DB connection statistic-records
Max. number of db procedure statistic records, created
Max. number of ESI statistics subrecords for one stat. main record
Switch on/off externalized reporting of SAP performance statistics
Directory containing externalized SAP performance statistics as files
Name of the statistic file
Increase accuracy of statistical memory information to byte level
Write additional index(file) for statistics
Filename for statistic-index file
level of the sap statistics
Number of stat-Files which can be held at a time
Welche Uhr wird fuer die Performancemessung benutzt
Number of statistical records buffered
Max. number of rfc statistic records for one statistic record
Rundungswert des Time-factors der Statistik
SAP runtime clock
Max. number of spool statistic records created for one statistic record
Max. number of table statistic records, created for one statistic record
transaction code for table statistic
Permission umask for stat-files
version of statistic information
Max. number of vmc statistic records created for one statistic record
Max. number of webservice statistic records for one statistic record
Commands to be executed during shutdown
Verbal description of the system
Definition of the system type
Universal Unique Identifier of the System
Screen input field data upper case translation
Activating Background Processing documentation
Flag for Transportsystem to work upgrade-specific
System class (SAP or CUSTOMER)
Usage of interface to transport program is logged in the database (table TPLOG).
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, automation
SAP Gui for HTML, additional developer trace, sapjulep
trust client with a certificate of this subject
Enable or disable a read-only version of SAP GUI Scripting.
Maximum number of entries of ICM Cache UFO list
configure asynchronous compilation for VMC
activate cloning for java vms
Line to define the allowed ports for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the default port for the Java Debug Proxy
Name of generated config file for the Java Debug Proxy
Generation of config file of the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the listen port for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the log level the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the message server host for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the strategy jars for the Java Debug Proxy
Line to define the wait timeout for the Java Debug Proxy
Class path for Java Debug Proxy
Start Class for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Additional parameter for the Java Debug Proxy
Listen port for the Java Debug Proxy
Dynamic VM options
enable vm container
number of guard pages for VMs
Number of inline loops to get a shared lock
define strategy for JNI methods
Handling of the auto java VM
maximum number of errors before the vmc is deactivated
Max. number of inline sleeps during VMC processing
Limit for shareg GC exceed counter
max. vm heap
max loops to get a nested lock
Port range for VMC debugging
VMC: watermark for shared garbage collector
Shared code cache size for the VMC
max. java heap
Reserved percentage of the shared pool for copy only shared closures
Reserved percentage of the shared pool for shared classes
poolsize for the VMC
Java Stack Size
Trace VM Thread Identification
Trace Id of Vutal Machine
Directory for the VMC profiling
Max age of VMC profiling sessions
Path for VMC Application Repositories
Temporary directory for VMC
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Name of java package for restricted debugging
Number of rollout loops to get a shared lock
Configure VMC options for the shared Garbage Collection
trace flags for java vm at trace level 1
trace flags for java vm at trace level 2
trace flags for java vm at trace level 3
Automatic VM restart
Switch on/off statistics for shared locks
Max. waiting time for a free VM
Should we write a core inside the VMC error handling
Maximum size of mega bytes which should be scanned in memory
ish-at filetransfer r3 to pc
Send header field client-protocol to application server
Include IPaddress in headerfield x-forwarded-for
Time between successive route info queries (sec.)
Determine destination server explicitely
Location from where the group can be retrieved
Protocol used for group info exchange with Message Server
Communicate access points to application server
Maximum lifetime of a session
Activate session dispatching with session ID table
Use session ID table for JSESSIONID dispatching
Maximum number of pooled connections to a HTTP destination
Maximum number of entries of session ID table
Maximum number of logon groups
Minimum number of pooled connections to a HTTP destination
Activate connection pooling for new browser connections
Timeout for deletion of entries of client IP table
HTTPS: Logon Group used for loadbalancing in SAP Web Dispatcher
Maximum number of pooled connections to a HTTPS destination
Minimum number of pooled connections to a HTTPS destination
HTTPS: sticky mask for client IP addresses
SAP Web Dispatcher: Set the load balancing strategy
URI permission table: max. size of one table entry in characters
max. URI length for an entry of the URI permission table
Maximum number of entries of server info table
Maximum number of entries of group info table
Maximal length of instance name in the server info table
Maximum number of entries of URL map table
Maximal length of path name in the URL map table
text file describing the URI permission table (SAP Web Dispatcher)
allowed URI character range for URI permission table
URL prefix for ping of AS ABAP
URL prefix for ping of AS Java (J2EE Engine)
Redispatch abortive stateful requests
Set capacity of application server explicitely
Location from where the server info can be retrieved
Protocol used for server info exchange with Message Server
Shared memory attach and creation mode for SAP Web Dispatcher
Determines which X.509 certificate to use for authorization
Hostname with server certificate
Name of credential file to use when wdisp/ssl_auth=2
SSL reencryption mode
Switch off check of server certificate
Location from where the URL mapping info can be retrieved
Protocol used for URL mapping info exchange with Message Server
enables generation of D&R links for all GUI types
Work process ID (number)
Size of Calendar Buffer
Directory Entries in the Calendar
Directory entries in generic key buffer (table buffer)
switch for displacement of the table buffer
Anmeldesprachen eines Applikation-Servers
value of the load counter
Default date format for creation of users with SU01 and SU10
Default decimal format for creation of users with SU01 and SU10
Default-Zeitformat beim Anlegen von Benutzern
Size of the buffer allocated for screens (Dynpros)
switch of reorganization mode of TBX buffer
Counter for displacement and reorganisation
2nd try if text in zcsa/system_language is missing
value of the load counter
Size of generic key buffer (table buffer)
switch for displacement of the partial buffer
switch of reorganization mode of the partial buffer
Counter for displacement and reorganisation of the partial buffer
Switches continuous system time on/off
maximum number of elements on list 0
maximum number of elements on list 1
extension size of the user context if its filled
size of AS/400 C++ administration area (u. of 16MB)
Size of the CUA work area
max size for sapgui description
Size of the Dynpro Load Buffer
Buffer for User Set/Get Values
Limit for a single request to memory
Buffer Size for SPA/GPA Parameters
Maximum roll area per user context
Quota for Extended Memory per user context
Extended Memory quota for dialog processes
Extended Memory quota for non dialog processes
First used part of memory in ztta/roll_area
Size of short term memory
source sccs id
number of entries in DEFAULT.PFL
number of entries in instance profile

Length: 346776 Date: 20250219 Time: 001016

Count: 1638     sap01-206 ( 2181 ms ) Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.