


Addresses (Business Address Services)   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
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PO Box number as part of an address.

Only enter the PO Box number in this field. The text "PO Box" is provided in the recipient language by the system when you print the address.

When you print an address, the "Street address" and the "PO Box address" are distinguished. The print program determines which of them has priority if both are maintained in an address record.

Besides the PO Box number, the PO Box address uses the following fields:

  • PO Box postal code, if specified (otherwise the normal postal code)

  • PO Box city, if specified (otherwise the normal city)

  • PO Box region, if specified (otherwise the normal region)

  • PO Box country, if specified (otherwise the normal country)

If the address is a "PO Box" (without a number), do not fill the "PO Box" field. Select the "PO Box w/o Number" indicator instead.

You can also enter a company postal code for organizational addresses, instead of a PO Box. A separate field is predefined for this entry.


For general information and examples about address formatting, see the documentation on the Address Structure Key.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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