
RFVILICB - ICI forms print

RFVILICB - ICI forms print

SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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The aim of this report is to print ICI (Imposta Comunale sugli Immobili) forms taking the informations from the data dictionary table VILIC (ICI Master data).



It uses a sapscript form called ICI_FORM which has a page format 'LEGAL' (355 mm x 215 mm). Becouse of this to have an output congruous with the real dimensions of ICI bulletins (331 mm X 101 mm) you must customize a page format with those dimensions and assign it in the basic settings of ICI_FORM sapscript. To do this you can use the spool transaction SPAD -> full administration -> field: device types -> page formats.


There are several selection parameters, however each form is referred to a city and the values written on it are the sum of the values of all ICI records of that city.



General Data in Customer Master   TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 1064 Date: 20240601 Time: 173303     sap01-206 ( 30 ms )