
RPCPFOB0 - Garnishment historical overview

RPCPFOB0 - Garnishment historical overview

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This report enables you to get an historical overview of the garnishment orders in your company. It is a statistical report that reads the cluster RB (table i0125). It doesn't calculate anything. It gives per garnishment the more important data from the history: required amount or percentage, monthly paid amount, cumulation of monthly paid amounts and balance.

There are different ways to get this report run:

  • Directly from the master data (infotype 0125): there is no selection screen. Just click on the button 'Garnishment history' (Strg+ F2).
The report is run with the values of the present infotype (personnel number, validity dates and garnishment type) as default input values.
  • From the payroll menu (per payroll period > lists/statistics): you get a selection screen in which you have to specify the personnel number(s), the period and the garnishment type.



There should exist results at least for one payroll period in cluster RB.
If the report is not run directly from infotype Garnishments Belgium (0125), the selection screen must be filled in properly.


Selection screen

The selection screen is made up of three parts. The period you are interested in, the employee(s) you need and the garnishment type(s) you consider.


The results are displayed in two steps.

First of all a basic list is proposed corresponding to all payroll periods for all employees and all garnishment types of your selection which are existing in the cluster RB (i.e. which run live).

Secondly, if you double click on one single line, you will get the detailed information corresponding to this line. On the screen, you'll see:

  • general data like personnel number, name, record status, garnishment type and description, indication, date of signature, payee data and validity dates;
  • specific data like the required amount or percentage (from infotype Garnishments Belgium (0125)), payroll period, monthly paid amount (amount really paid), cumulation of monthly paid amounts (total amount really paid since the beginning of the garnishment) and balance (remaining amount to pay).



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