
RPDSIGB0 - Download of SI declaration file

RPDSIGB0 - Download of SI declaration file

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Report 'Download of SI declaration file' (RPDSIGB0) allows you to create the file to be transferred to the National Office for Social Security on the basis of the data stored in cluster CX/WX.



The SI declaration file is generated according to the specifications of the National Office for Social Security. The naming convention used for the output file should be B0_96_2.961 for original declarations and B0_96_2C.961 for corrective declarations. The file extension should always be the one you used for the declaration version.

Before sending the magnetic device, we recommend you to test the file format. A free copy of the test program is available on demand at the National Office for Social Security.

The data can be used to fill in the sending list that goes along with the magnetic device containing the SI declaration.


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Length: 1035 Date: 20240601 Time: 075843     sap01-206 ( 33 ms )