
RPISSEG0 - HR-GB: Batch update of SSP Easement flag on IT0084

RPISSEG0 - HR-GB: Batch update of SSP Easement flag on IT0084

Vendor Master (General Section)   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.
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This program updates the SSP Easement flag on infotype 0084 (SSP Control) for a selection of employees.

The start date determines the date from which SSP Easement should begin (or end). Infotype records which contain this date will be copied and delimited. All subsequent records will be modified.

The radio buttons will determine whether the SSP Easement checkbox for these records is flagged on or off. For records to be modified, only those where the current setting is different to the chosen setting will be updated.

The program creates a batch input session which can then be run to carry out the update. If you do not enter a batch session name on the selection screen, the name will be created using the username and the time of creation.

Choosing the 'Display log' checkbox will produce a listing of all the employees and infotype records processed. Irrespective of the log choice, the program will display the batch session name and the total numbers processed. A button on the list screen will allow the user to jump to the initial screen of the batch input transaction (SM35).


You want to start SSP Easement for all employees in payroll area G1 from 1st November 1998. Enter G1 as the payroll area and 1.11.1998 as the start date. Leave the radio button on its default setting of 'on'. Enter the batch session name and log options as required.

The program will create a batch input session. Executing this session will ensure all infotype 84 records from 1st November 1998 for employees in payroll area G1 are marked as opted out of SSP.

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   PERFORM Short Reference  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 1728 Date: 20240601 Time: 093150     sap01-206 ( 43 ms )