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User exit for 5th group segment version 1.0 of the UCFMSG message for CCPS communication.
The segments are first filled in the SAP standard and available for modification by this user exit.

The following parameters are passed to this user exit:

  1. INC301
    structure containing data of the communication order like standard, version, institution, case number etc.
    table of segments.

If you change the content of the message segments please do not change the table SEGM_MAIL directly. Use the standard structure definitions provided in the include MNCCCPS0 while manipulating the contents of the message segments. The component MAIL in the table SEGM_MAIL holds the composed message segment. This should be copied to the relevant structure available in MNCCCPS0. Now you can modify the single fields of this structure. Afterwards update the corresponding entry in the table SEGM_MAIL from the changed structure.

CPI1466 during Backup   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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