
Report Writer: Dynamic Pushbutton Allocation in the Report Display ( RELNFI_GLX_RW21_DRUCKT )

Report Writer: Dynamic Pushbutton Allocation in the Report Display ( RELNFI_GLX_RW21_DRUCKT )

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!!!!!!!!!!!!NICHT ÜBERSETZEN - RELEASE-2.1-RELEVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Report Writer: Dynamic Pushbutton Allocation in the Report Display


As of Release 2.1D, three different pushbutton allocations are available in the report display:

  • configuration functions (status MLV2)
  • navigation functions (status MNV2)
  • limited navigation functions (status MLV3)

Correspondingly, the statuses MLV2, MNV2 and MLV3 exist for the program SAPLGRWG

You can switch back and forth between configuration mode and navigation mode via the menu sequence Options -> Pushbutton allocation. The navigation mode is always active when you call up the report.

If only very few navigation functions are possible in the current report (for example, only one logical column, variation of the selection is not active), the system automatically switches to the limited navigation mode. This mode displays selected special functions in addition to the remaining navigation functions.

Important: If another GUI example other than RGRCUA00 should be used in the library, the statuses MLV2, MNV2 and MLV3 must be defined in this program.

Einfluß auf den Datenbestand im Fehlerfall


Besonderheiten bei der Installation

Auswirkungen auf die Systemverwaltung

Auswirkungen auf das Customizing

Auswirkungen auf Batch-Input

Änderungen an der Oberfläche

Änderungen in der Vorgehensweise

Aktionen zum Beheben von Fehlern am Datenbestand

Abhängige Funktionen


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Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 2104 Date: 20240606 Time: 091731     sap01-206 ( 39 ms )