
CRMV_APPL_OTYP - Objekttyp einer Applikation zuordnen

CRMV_APPL_OTYP - Objekttyp einer Applikation zuordnen

General Data in Customer Master   ABAP Short Reference  
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The framework uses Generic Object Services (GOS) provided by mySAP Technology for managing the favorites. The favorites - object the user often works with - are displayed in the result list of OIC, when the user starts an application. Additionaly there exists the predefined query "my favorites". The UI framework uses the folder concept of the GOS favorites to assign the favorites to an application. In the Blueprint Table CRMC_BL_APPL each application has the attribute favorites_folder, where the corresponding folder of the GOS favorites has to be added.

If the user adds an object to favorites the framework saves the favorites into the correct folder. To get the correct BOR objecttype (Business Object Repository) of the object the method CONVERT_TO_BOR of the Model Access Class is called.

To display the favorites the framework reads all favorites according to the definition for the folder. In GOS a table exists for the relation of foldername and assigned Objecttypes (SMY1), which has to be maintained. Thus the application has assigned object types. Additionally the framework reads all favorites of the assigned Objecttypes that are not related to a folder. For the conversion of the BOR-Key to the internal object id the method CONVERT_FROM_BOR is called.

ABAP Short Reference   TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

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