
OHAB7001 - Constants for SI declaration

OHAB7001 - Constants for SI declaration

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In this step the Payroll constants needed to run the Social insurance declaration properly are defined.

The following payroll constants are of importance in the SI declaration.
If they are not specified in step Payroll constants for SI calculation, you can maintain them here:

SV100 Multiplier used to increase the exactness by rounding off
SV108 The percentage by which the gross wage of blue-collar worker's
must be increased to become the SI calculation base;
SVFFE Limit number of employees for the calculation of the
contribution for the Factory Shutdown Fund;
SVKBL Supplementary employers contribution for unemployment
(incl. wage moderation);
SVKBZ Supplementary employers contribution for unemployment
(excl. wage moderation);
SVVAC The special SI deduction on double holiday pay;
SVRDF The employers SI reduction for previous RVA/ONEM apprentices;
SVACE SI-percentage for children's reception (day care centres);
SVRIS Percentage for the contribution for risk groups.

The following payroll constants are used to calculate the structural reduction from the second quarter of 1999 on:

SVDR5 Refers to the value of factor D in the formula that is used to
calculate the reference quarter wage in case of a full time
employee working in a 5 days regime and without full
performances during the quarter concerned;
SVDR6 Refers to the value of factor D in the formula that is used to
calculate the reference quarter wage in case of a full time
employee working in a 5 days regime and without full
performances during the quarter concerned;
SVQWK SI reference number of weeks in a quarter;
SVMUL % working time in comparison to a full time, upper limit.
Refers to the percentage of completely full time performances
over which the reduction amount equals the basis amount of the
SVMUH % working time in comparison to a full time, lower limit.
Refers to the percentage of completely full time performances
under which no reduction is granted;
SVSR1 Factor used in the calculation of the reduction amount when the
employees performance is situated between the value of constant
SVMUH and the value of constant SVMUL.

The payroll constants should only be changed in case of legal changes.

Creating an additional entry with a new value for an existing payroll constant:

  • select the payroll constant concerned;

  • push button Copy as and enter the end date of the former value;

  • push the Enter button twice;

  • select the payroll constant again;

  • push button Expand <-> Collapse.
    The former record has been delimited and a new one has been created.

  • change the value of the most recent record.

SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   Vendor Master (General Section)  
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