
OHAG0174 - Set Up Taxable Benefits Wage Types

OHAG0174 - Set Up Taxable Benefits Wage Types

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
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In this step you set up and define taxable benefit wage types.

These are used in the Summary of taxable benfits which is available in the End-of-Year section of the payroll menu.

If you wanted the wage type B111 car fuel benefit to be included in the summary of taxable benefits, under car benefit and car fuel benefit, you would assign the evaluation class value A to the wage type.

The standard SAP system contains the sample wage type A081 which you may use.

For each wage type that you require within the summary of taxable benefits, set up evaluation class 11 as appropriate.

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