
OHAJBN3132 - Check entry permissibility for savings plans

OHAJBN3132 - Check entry permissibility for savings plans

ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

In this step, you specify when wage types can be entered for benefits savings plans.

  • You have defined your wage type catalog.
  • You have decided which wage types can be entered for savings plans.

Determine the validity period for entries.

BAL Application Log Documentation   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 357 Date: 20240602 Time: 015653     sap01-206 ( 15 ms )