
OHAU02FI - Assign forms to letter types

OHAU02FI - Assign forms to letter types

General Data in Customer Master   General Data in Customer Master  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.
SAP E-Book

In this step you assign forms and user exits to letter types.

You also determine whether or not a letter is to be generated automatically. If the automatic mode is not activated, assigning a form to a letter means that the correct letter will appear when manual generation is used.

Each type of letter has a sequential number as it may be necessary to send certain letters to both the originator and the vendor.

A form for an answer letter may be stored for the vendor under '01' and for the originator as '02'. Both forms are then processed when the answer letter is created and two letters are generated.

  1. Enter the country, state and Garnishment document category as well as the kind of letter
  2. Set the sequential number
  3. Define the form to be used for the letter
  4. Activate the automatic mode if required
  5. Enter the name of the user exit attached to the letter if required

Vendor Master (General Section)   ABAP Short Reference  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 1110 Date: 20240602 Time: 212733     sap01-206 ( 28 ms )