
OHIJ0005 - Indicator for Acquired/Lost

OHIJ0005 - Indicator for Acquired/Lost

SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   PERFORM Short Reference  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.
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In this step, you set up Acquired/Lost indicator for Infotype 0140 - SI Basic Data.

The standard delivery system contains the current Japanese regulation.

We recommend you do not change the standard configuration, since inaccurate settings may cause malfunction of the payroll programs and the Japanese standard evaluation reports.

However, if you do have to add new entries, keep in mind the only possible values you can set for the acquired/lost indicator are in the range of 'U' to 'Z'.
Any other values are reserved, and must not be used.

Create new entries according to your requirements.

SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
Diese Dokumentation steht unter dem Copyright der SAP AG.

Length: 793 Date: 20240601 Time: 235206     sap01-206 ( 18 ms )