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Dynamic Programming

This cheat sheet touches on syntax and concepts related to dynamic programming in ABAP. It gathers some basics supported by code examples in one place for your reference. It is recommended that you also consult section Dynamic Programming Techniques in the ABAP Keyword Documentation since it provides important aspects that should be considered when dealing with dynamic programming in general (e. g. security aspects or runtime error prevention).


Some considerations regarding "dynamic" in contrast to "static" aspects:

  • ABAP programs can include both dynamic and static parts.
  • Consider a data object you declare in a program having dedicated technical properties like the data type or the actual name of the data object, i. e. these properties are already (statically) known to the program at compile time and they do not change throughout the program execution.
  • On the other hand, there can be use cases where these properties are not known or not yet determined at compile time at all.
  • They are only known at a program's runtime, i. e. the properties are defined and passed to programs at runtime.
  • Consider a program that does not work with a specific kind of table but with any kind of table, for example, a user must input the table name first. The tables to be used in the program certainly have different properties, line types, number of rows etc.. Still, the program must be able to work with all of them, no matter what table is processed.
  • Or you need to determine information about data types and data objects at runtime or even create them.

Dynamic programming is a powerful means to make ABAP programs more flexible and versatile. However, as implied above, dynamic programming techniques must be handled with care and you must be aware of some downsides, too. For example:

  • Dynamic features implemented in a program cannot be checked or analyzed by the ABAP compiler. The exact data is not known at compile time but only when the program is executed which has also an impact on performance since the checks must be carried out at runtime.
  • Testing procedures including dynamic parts is difficult.

Excursion: Field Symbols and Data References

Field symbols and data references support dynamic programming and working with data objects whose properties are only known at runtime.

Field Symbols

Field symbols ...

  • can be considered as alias names for existing data objects.
  • can only be used if they are assigned to a data object first. And if assigned, you can access the content of variables via the field symbol name.
  • do not consume any space but act as a sort of label for the particular memory area that is used by a data object which the field symbol is assigned to.
  • can be used in ABAP programs as if working with the actual data object.
  • are especially helpful for accessing and editing data in structures or internal tables at runtime without the need to copy the data somewhere which boosts performance.

Declaring field symbols

Field symbols are declared with the FIELD-SYMBOLS statement. You provide the name of the field symbol between angle brackets. You can either type them with a complete data type or with a generic type.

  • There are plenty of options for generic ABAP types. The most prominent is data that stands for any data type (the older generic type any has the same effect). See more information in the topic Generic ABAP Types.
  • Field symbols cannot be declared in the declaration part of classes and interfaces.
  • Untyped field symbols are not supported in object-oriented contexts.


"Complete types
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_i>        TYPE i,
               <fs_spfli>    TYPE spfli,
               <fs_tab_type> TYPE LINE OF some_table_type,
               <fs_like>     LIKE some_data_object.

"Generic types
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_data>      TYPE data. "or TYPE any
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_any_table> TYPE any table.

Assigning data objects

When assigning data objects to field symbols with the ASSIGN statement, field symbols receive all properties and values from the data objects. In case of completely typed field symbols, you can only assign data objects that have the same type. Further dynamic aspects come into the picture with dynamic assignment. This is dealt with further down.


"Data objects.
DATA: number TYPE i,
      struc  TYPE sflight,
      tab    TYPE string_table.

"Field symbols with complete types
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_i>     TYPE i,
               <fs_struc> TYPE sflight,
               <fs_tab>   TYPE string_table.

"Generic type
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_gen> TYPE data.

"Assigning data objects to field symbols
ASSIGN number TO <fs_i>.
ASSIGN struc  TO <fs_struc>.
ASSIGN tab    TO <fs_tab>.
ASSIGN number TO <fs_gen>. "Could be any of the data objects

"You can also assign a particular component of a structure.
ASSIGN COMPONENT 2 OF STRUCTURE struc TO <fs_gen> "Second component of the structure.

  • When working with field symbols, you should make sure that they are assigned. Otherwise, a runtime error occurs. You can check the assignment with the following logical expression. The statement is true if the field symbol is assigned.
If <fs_i> IS ASSIGNED. ... ENDIF.
  • You can explicitly remove the assignment of the field symbol. After this, the field symbol does not point to any data object any more. Note that a CLEAR statement only initializes the value.
UNASSIGN <fs_i>.
  • When assigning data objects to fields symbols, you should pay attention to compatible types of data object and field symbol. There is also an ABAP syntax with which you can carry out type casting for incompatible types. You can cast either implicitly or explicitly by specifying the concrete type. The addition TYPE HANDLE is relevant for Runtime Type Services (RTTS).
DATA time TYPE c LENGTH 6 VALUE '123456'.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs1> TYPE sy-uzeit.
ASSIGN time TO <fs1> CASTING. "Implicit casting

ASSIGN time TO <fs2> CASTING TYPE sy-uzeit. "Explicit casting

Using field symbols

When accessing field symbols, you just address the value of the assigned data object.

DATA: number TYPE i.
ASSIGN number TO <fs_i>.

<fs_i> = 2.

As mentioned, field symbols are often used when working with internal tables, for example, in LOOP statements. In this context, field symbols are very handy. You can avoid an actual copying of content to a work area during the loop. In doing so, the loop is considerably faster especially when dealing with large tables. You can assign the field symbol using the ASSIGNING addition. Using ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(...), you can directly declare and assign the field symbol in one go.


  <fs1>-carrid = ... "The field symbol represents a line of the table.
  <fs1>-connid = ... "Components are accessed with the component selector. E. g. a new value is assigned.

  <fs2>-carrid = ...
  <fs2>-connid = ...

Data References

Data references ...

  • are similar to field symbols but you can do more with them compared to field symbols.
  • point to data objects in the memory, i. e. they include a data object's address of the memory location

Data reference variables ...

  • contain values as every other data object. However, the direct value is here a reference (i. e. it points to the memory location of another data object) which means you cannot work with the value directly.
  • are, despite only pointing to other data objects, data objects themselves that can, for example, also be used as components in structures or columns in internal tables.

  • Data reference variables are considered as deep like strings and internal tables since all of them do not have assigned a dedicated memory area. Internally, strings and internal tables are addressed using references.

Declaring data reference variables

Like field symbols, data reference variables can be declared with both a complete and a generic data type using DATA statements and the addition REF TO. The type after REF TO represents the static data type.

When declared, data reference variables do not point to a data object.


DATA: ref1 TYPE REF TO i, "Complete data type
      ref2 TYPE REF TO scarr, "Complete data type
      ref3 LIKE REF TO some_data_object,
      ref4 TYPE REF TO data. "Generic data type

Assigning data references

There are multiple options to assign data references:

Creating data references to existing data objects: Using the reference operator REF, you can get a data reference to an existing data object. The older syntax GET REFERENCE has the same effect as using the newer reference operator.

DATA num TYPE i VALUE 5. "Declare data object
"Declare data reference variables
DATA ref1    TYPE REF TO i.
DATA ref_gen TYPE REF TO data.

"Create data references to data objects.
"The # sign means that the type is derived from the data object.
ref1    = REF #( num ).
ref_gen = REF #( num ).

"You can also use inline declarations to omit the explicit declaration.
DATA(ref2) = REF #( num ).
"You can explicitly specify the data type after REF.
DATA(ref3) = REF string( `hallo` ).

"Older syntax.

Creating new data objects at runtime: You create a so-called anonymous data object at runtime by putting the reference into the variable and providing the desired type. Use the instance operator NEW. The older syntax CREATE DATA has the same effect as using the newer instance operator.


"Declare data reference variables
DATA ref1    TYPE REF TO i. "Complete type
DATA ref_gen TYPE REF TO data. "Generic type

"Create anonymous data objects
"Using the # sign and the explicit type: see REF #( ) above.
ref1    = NEW #( ).
ref_gen = NEW string( ).

"For directly assigning values, insert the values within the parentheses.
ref1 = NEW #( 123 ).

"Use inline declarations to omit a prior declaration of a variable.
DATA(ref2) = NEW i( 456 ).
DATA(ref3) = NEW i_table( ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ).

"Older syntax.
DATA ref4 TYPE REF TO string.
DATA ref5 TYPE REF TO data.

CREATE DATA ref5 TYPE p LENGTH 6 DECIMALS 2. "TYPE ... needed because of generic type data

Assigning/Copying existing data references: You can copy a data reference into another one. Note that static types of both data reference variables must be compatible and that only the reference is copied and not the data object as such. That means that, when copied, both data reference variables point to the same data object.

Data reference variables have both a static and a dynamic type. When declaring a data reference variable, e. g. DATA ref TYPE REF TO i., you determine the static type. This type is either a non-generic (i in the example) or a generic type (like data or any; e. g. DATA ref TYPE REF TO data.). The dynamic type is determined at runtime of the program and is the data type of a referenced data object. Especially in the context of assigning data references (and also object references), this differentiation is relevant. The following basic rule applies: The assignment of a data reference variable to another one is possible if the static type of the target reference variable is more general than or the same as the dynamic type of the source reference variable. If it can be statically checked that an assignment is possible, the assignment is done using the assignment operator = that triggers an upcast automatically. Otherwise, it is a downcast. Here, the assignability is not checked until runtime. The downcast must be triggered explicitly using casting operators, either with the constructor operator CAST or the older ?=, for the assignment of data reference variables. See more information in the topic Assignment Rules for Reference Variables. The following example demonstrates up- and downcasts with the assignment of data reference variables typed with a complete and generic data type:


"Declare data reference variables

ref1 = NEW #( 789 ).
ref2 = ref1. "Copy data reference

DATA(ref3) = NEW i( 321 ). "Complete type
DATA ref4 TYPE REF TO data. "Generic type
ref4 = ref3. "Upcast

DATA ref6 TYPE REF TO data. "Generic type
ref6 = NEW i( 654 ).
ref5 = CAST #( ref6 ).
ref5 ?= ref6.

Accessing data references

The content of data objects a data reference refers to can only be accessed via dereferencing data reference variables using the dereferencing operator ->*.

  • When dereferencing a data reference variable that has a structured data type, you can use the component selector -> to access individual components.
  • In older ABAP releases, you could not dereference data reference variables typed with a generic type. You had to do an assignment to a field symbol first.


"Create data reference variables and assign values
DATA(ref_i)     = NEW i( 1 ).
DATA(ref_scarr) = NEW scarr( carrid = 'LH' carrname = 'Lufthansa' ).

"Generic type
DATA ref_gen TYPE REF TO data.
ref_gen = ref_i. "Copy reference

DATA(number) = ref_i->*. "Variable number receives the content.
ref_i->* = 10. "Content of referenced data object is changed.

IF ref_i->* > 5. "Data reference used in a logical expression.

DATA(calc) = 1 + ref_gen->*. "Dereferenced generic type

DATA(struc) = ref_scarr->*. "Complete structure
DATA(carrid) = ref_scarr->carrid. "Individual component
ref_scarr->carrid = 'UA'.
ref_scarr->*-carrname = 'United Airlines'. "This syntax also works but it's less comfortable.

  • You can check if a data reference can be dereferenced by using a logical expression with IS BOUND:
  • If you explicitly want to remove a reference from a data reference variable, you can use a CLEAR statement. However, the garbage collector takes over the reference removal automatically once the data is not used any more by a reference.
CLEAR ref.

Using data references

Some contexts of using data references are as follows:

Overwriting data reference variables: A data reference variable is overwritten when a new object is created with a data reference variable already pointing to a data object.

ref = NEW i( 1 ).
ref = NEW i( 2 ).

Keeping data references: If your use case is to retain the data references and you want to prevent that data references are overwritten when using the same reference variable, you can put the reference variables in internal tables. The following code shows that three data references are created with the same reference variable.

DATA: ref    TYPE REF TO data,
      itab   TYPE TABLE OF REF TO data,
      number TYPE i VALUE 0.

  number += 1.  "Add up 1 to demonstrate a changed data object.
  "Create data reference and assign value
  "In the course of the loop, the variable gets overwritten.
  ref = NEW i( 1 ).
  itab = VALUE #( BASE itab ( ref ) ). "Adds the reference to itab.

Processing internal tables: Similar to using field symbols, you can avoid the copying of table rows into a work area, for example, in a loop using data reference variables and a REFERENCE INTO statement. In doing so, the processing of internal tables is much faster than copying table lines to a work area. In the code snippet, an inline declaration is used in the LOOP statement.

SELECT * FROM spfli INTO TABLE @DATA(spfli_tab). "Fill an internal table.

  ref->carrid = ...  "A component of the table line might be addressed.

Data reference variables as part of structures and internal tables: In contrast to field symbols, data reference variables can be used as components of structures or columns in internal tables.

        num TYPE i,
        ref TYPE REF TO i,
      END OF struc.
struc2 = VALUE #( num = 1 ref = NEW #( 2 ) ). "Some value assignment.

"Internal table
itab[ 1 ]-ref->* = 123. "Some value assignment in the first table line.


The question might now arise when to actually use either a field symbol or a data reference variable. It depends on your use case. However, data reference variables are more powerful as far as their usage options are concerned, and they better fit into the modern (object-oriented) ABAP world. Recommended read: Accessing Data Objects Dynamically.

Dynamic ABAP Statements

Dynamic aspects come particularly into the picture when considering the options of dynamic ABAP statements. In this context, you can make use of tokens put within parentheses and included as operands in many ABAP statements (e. g. SORT table BY (field_name).). The content of the token is character-like and should be provided in capital letters. The content is determined at runtime, e. g. a user entry in an input field which is then part of an ABAP statement.

Note that especially in this context, static checks are not possible, i. e. if you have an ABAP statement using such a token, it cannot be determined at compile time whether the operand that is passed is valid. This can cause runtime errors.

You can make use of the following dynamic token specification options:

Dynamic specification of data objects and fields: The names of data objects and fields are determined at runtime. For example:

"The sorting is done by a field that is determined at runtime.
SORT itab BY (field_name).

"A field symbol is assigned a data object, here, an attribute of a class
ASSIGN class=>(attribute_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs>).

Dynamic specification of types: The name of a data or object type is determined at runtime. Examples:

"Anonymous data objects are created using a type determined at runtime.
"Note that the NEW operator cannot be used here!
CREATE DATA ref TYPE (some_type).
CREATE DATA ref TYPE TABLE OF (some_type).

"Assigning a data object to a field symbol casting a type
ASSIGN dobj TO <fs> CASTING TYPE (some_type).

Dynamic specification of clauses in statements, e. g. a token that includes the WHERE clause conditions in a SELECT statement. The token can also be an internal table of a character-like line type. Examples:

"Dynamic SELECT list
SELECT (select_list) FROM spfli INTO TABLE @itab.

"Dynamic FROM clause
DATA(table) = `SPFLI`.
SELECT * FROM (table) INTO TABLE @itab.

"Dynamic WHERE clause
DATA(where_clause) = `CARRID = 'LH'`.
SELECT * FROM spfli WHERE (where_clause) INTO TABLE @itab.

Dynamic specification of procedures: Names are specified dynamically, e. g. the names of classes and methods.

"Dynamic method calls
"Note that these calls require a CALL METHOD statement.
CALL METHOD class=>(meth). "Method dynamically specified.
CALL METHOD (class)=>meth. "Class dynamically specified.
CALL METHOD (class)=>(meth). "Class and method dynamically specified.
CALL METHOD class=>(meth) IMPORTING param = ... "Specifying parameters.

"Parameters and exceptions can also be specified dynamically in tables.

Regarding the addition PARAMETER-TABLE, you can assign actual parameters to formal parameters dynamically using the table ptab that is of type ABAP_PARMBIND_TAB. The table must be filled and have a line for all non-optional parameters. The line type is ABAP_PARMBIND. The following fields are relevant:

  • name: The name of the formal parameter.
  • kind: Specifies the kind of parameter, e. g. importing or exporting parameter. You can make use of the constants defined in class CL_ABAP_OBJECTDESCR. Note that if the method signature has an importing parameter, it must be specified as exporting parameter here and vice versa.
  • value: Specifies a data reference to the actual parameter.

Errors raise catchable exceptions of class CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ERROR. Using the addition EXCEPTION-TABLE and an internal table of type ABAP_EXCPBIND_TAB, you can handle non- class-based exceptions.

Runtime Type Services (RTTS)

RTTS represent a hierarchy of type description classes containing methods for Runtime Type Creation (RTTC) and Runtime Type Identification (RTTI). Using these classes, you can

  • get type information on data objects, data types or instances at runtime.
  • define and create new data types at runtime.

The hierarchy of type description classes is as follows.

  |   |
  |   |   |
  |   |   |--CL_ABAP_ENUMDESCR
  |   |
  |       |

So, the superclass CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR has multiple subclasses, for example, to deal with each kind of type. Among them, there are, for example, structures or tables. Working with this superclass and its subclasses means to make use of casts, especially downcasts. Detailing out all the possibilities for the information retrieval and type creation is beyond scope. Check the information, options and various methods that can be used in the class documentation, e. g. using F2 help information in ADT, for more details.

The following examples show the retrieval of information. Instead of the cumbersome extra declaration of data reference variables, you can use inline declarations. Method chaining comes in handy, too.

"The properties of a type are retrieved.
DATA(some_type) = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( var ).

"The components of a structure are retrieved.
"above, the describe_by_data method is used together with a variable.
DATA(components) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
  cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( some_struc )

"The attributes of a global class are retrieved. In contrast to the
"example above the describe_by_name method is used together with the actual name.
DATA(attributes) = CAST cl_abap_classdescr(
  cl_abap_classdescr=>describe_by_name( 'CL_DEMO_OUTPUT' )

The following example demonstrates the creation of an internal table type based on a DDIC type. Furthermore, an internal table is created based on this type. The type itself is a sorted table (constants can be used also here). Unique keys are defined in a dedicated table of type ABAP_KEYDESCR_TAB that is part of the cl_abap_tabledescr=>create method call.

Note the TYPE HANDLE addition as part of the CREATE DATA statement that is used when referring to dynamically created data types.

"Get line type of DDIC table
DATA(line_type) =  CAST cl_abap_structdescr(
   cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_name( `SCARR` ) ).

"Define primary table keys of internal table type to be created
DATA(key_tab) = VALUE abap_keydescr_tab( ( name = 'CARRID' )
                                         ( name = 'CARRNAME' ) ).

"Create internal table type
DATA(table_type) = cl_abap_tabledescr=>create(
    p_line_type  = line_type
    p_table_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_sorted
    p_unique     = cl_abap_typedescr=>true
    p_key        = key_tab ).

"Create internal table based on the created table type
DATA ref_tab TYPE REF TO data.
CREATE DATA ref_tab TYPE HANDLE table_type.


There are even further dynamic programming techniques like the generation or execution of programs at runtime. They are not part of this cheat sheet. Find more details on the related syntax (e. g. GENERATE SUBROUTINE POOL, READ REPORT, and INSERT REPORT) in the ABAP Keyword Documentation: Dynamic Program Development.

Demonstration Program

The example Dynamic Programming demonstrates syntax and concepts related to dynamic programming in one program.

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