
REA_ECA_MANUAL_UPDATES_BR - Update ECA table using Manual activities

REA_ECA_MANUAL_UPDATES_BR - Update ECA table using Manual activities

General Data in Customer Master   General Data in Customer Master  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
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Use this report to manually update the Brazil: Energy Credits Account (EENRGY_CR_BR) table.

In the billing scenario, this table is updated automatically during compensation process; however in case you want to manually update this table, you can do so using this report.

Note that for manual updates the system does not update the existing billing documents.




You can manually update data for the following activity types:

  • Manual Updates: Create/Consume Credits
  • Manual Updates: Convert credits between TOUs
  • Manual Updates:Transfer credits between contracts
  • Manual Updates: Close credits
  • Manual Updates: General Reversal


The system displays different selection criteria for different activity types. Enter the relevant selection criteria based on the activity type.

Note that for activity type 04 and 06, you can upload credits manually through an excel or a table.

For activity type 04, excel should have the following column headers in the first row and data should be maintained under them from second row onwards:

  • Column 1 - Generating contract
  • Column 2 - Allocation date
  • Column 3 - Rate usage begin date
  • Column 4 - Global TOU
  • Column 5 - Rate usage end date
  • Column 6 - Credits quantity
  • Column 7 - Unit of measurement
  • Column 8 - price amount
  • Column 9 - Currency
  • Column 10 - Remarks

For activity type 04, excel should have the following column headers in the first row and data should be maintained under them from second row onwards:

  • Column 1 - Source generating contract
  • Column 2 - Target generating contract
  • Column 3 - Allocation date from
  • Column 4 - Allocation date to
  • Column 5 - Remarks

For activity type 08, based on your selection criteria, the system will display the transaction that needs to be reversed. You can select the relevant transaction that should be reversed and click Execute Reversalbutton.

Standard Variants


The system displays the output in the ALV grid format. You can view the data and update the data in the database by clicking the Save to Databasebutton.



CPI1466 during Backup   ABAP Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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