
RETRIGG02 - Valuate Unbilled Billing Orders/Uninvoiced Billing Documents

RETRIGG02 - Valuate Unbilled Billing Orders/Uninvoiced Billing Documents

rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


You use this program to analyze billing documents that have not been invoiced and billing orders that have not been billed.

The following default selection criteria are available:
  • Company code

  • Portion

  • Scheduled meter reading date

  • Planned billing date

  • Division

  1. If you wish to add to these selection criteria or obtain a detailed selection of all open billing and invoicing documents, choose Edit -> Limit selection. The Select Fields dialog box appears. Select the criteria you want to use. Confirm your entries.
  2. You can now limit the selection further as follows:
    1. Select either Scheduled billing date or Scheduled MR date (scheduled reading date). Enter a date in the Date field.
    2. If you wish to display open invoicing documents only or open billing documents only, select either Open invoicing docs or Open billing docs.
  3. Choose Program -> Execute.
The list Analyze Billing Orders not Billed/Billing Documents not Invoiced appears.
A status is displayed for each entry. The status provides the following information:
  • Red cross

The budget billing plan was not found.
  • Green light

The end period of the budget billing plan is in the future.
  • Yellow light

The end period of the budget billing plan is in the past.
  1. You can display the following information directly from the list:
  • Billing documents

  • Invoicing documents

  • Contract

  • Business partner

  • Contract account of an open billing or invoicing document

Place the cursor on one of the fields and choose
Edit -> Display.






BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 3281 Date: 20240601 Time: 055519     sap01-206 ( 31 ms )