
RFFMRB_GENERATE - Generate Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget

RFFMRB_GENERATE - Generate Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget

ABAP Short Reference   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


This program generates rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget (RIB rules).



  • You have created budget or posting addresses in the budget structure, or you already have budget or posting data (without a budget structure).


The program creates new RIB rules with all necessary attributes based on RIB objects or revenue cover groups. When you run the program:

  • For RIB objects, the index entries that assign budget addresses to RIB objects are created using the derivation strategy for RIB objects.
  • For selected existing revenue cover groups, RIB rules are created directly based on these cover groups where index entries for RIB objects are totally irrelevant. Then, the program further assigns all attributes necessary for a valid RIB rule (for instance, the activation status, filter profile, calculation formula and the receiving budget address) using the derivation strategy for the generation of RIB rules. The program only adds new entries to the database, it does not modify or delete existing entries.

Any errors found are displayed in the application log. Objects without errors are always saved and the number of saved objects is displayed.


  • Use the dropdown list to select values of RIB objects and revenue cover groups to decide the type based on which RIB rules are to be generated.
  • The select options for each of the active FM account assignment elements and cover groups are as follows:
  • For RIB objects, you can specify a range of FM account assignments.

  • For revenue cover groups, you can specify a range of revenue cover groups and the FM account assignments grouped in the selected cover groups. The selection for revenue cover group is hidden if cover eligibility is not used.

  • Source of data for RIB objects: Use the radio buttons to specify whether you want to generate RIB rules using posting addresses or budget addresses. With the indicator Use Budget Structure, you can decide whether you want to use the addresses with existing budgeting/posting data (=> do not set the indicator), or whether you want to use the budgeting/posting addresses of the budget structure (=> set the indicator). If you use posting addresses to create RIB objects, the budget structure is used to determine the link between a posting address and a budget address. The budget address is then used for the derivation of RIB objects.

  • If you set the indicator Only update index, the program does not create any RIB rules. Instead, the program only creates new index entries that assign budget addresses to existing RIB objects. This indicator is for display only when you generate RIB rules based on revenue cover groups.

Standard Variants


The list of generated RIB rules is displayed. If you set the indicator Only update index then the list of newly generated object entries is displayed. An error log is displayed in a separate dialog box if there were errors during the generation of RIB rules.


If you have generated RIB rules for FM account assignments, where application data, such as revenues or budget values, already exists, then you must start the program Re-initialize RIB ledgers (transaction FMRBREINIT).


PERFORM Short Reference   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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