
RFLBOXIN - Report Reference for Generating Test Data for Lockbox BAI Format

RFLBOXIN - Report Reference for Generating Test Data for Lockbox BAI Format

Addresses (Business Address Services)   rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time  
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SAP E-Book


This program generates test data for demonstration and testing purposes in program RFLBOX00. It is used for the standard BAI format.


  • Basic knowledge of ABAP/4 and knowledge of BAI data exchange formats to prepare the test data.
  • Program RFLBOX00 is only suitable for creating test data that has a 10-digit document number in BAI format.
  • The "LOCKBOX" "BAI" key must be entered in the autocash control parameters in Financial Accounting configuration, so that the program can access the directory in which the system is to store the test data file.

Formatting the test data

The program contains reference records in BAI format, which you must format. First, a sequence of records must be set up according to the rules of the BAI format. The reference records are copied into the GENERATE_TEST_DATA form routine. Every record in the form routine must be filled with valid test data. You may only change lines preceeded by a line with ******. When starting the program, you must specify the name of the test data file. When you run RFLBOX00, this file name must be used again.

General Data in Customer Master   Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure  
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