
RFLQ_LISTACC - Liquidity Calculation: G/L Account List

RFLQ_LISTACC - Liquidity Calculation: G/L Account List

CPI1466 during Backup   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book



The report lists the G/L accounts in the company code. It shows whether each account is an actual account (that is, a cash account) or an info account for the liquidity calculation. Additional information is retrieved in the background.

For example, you can then see if an account is entered as a reconciliation account for an external bank account (and is therefore automatically an actual account), or if it is a profit and loss account or customer or vendor reconciliation account (and is therefore automatically an info account). For info accounts, the report also displays the default liquidity item.

PERFORM Short Reference   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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