
RFM_DRS_ALIGNMENT_DESTRUCTION - ILM Enablement Report for DRS Alignment Tables

RFM_DRS_ALIGNMENT_DESTRUCTION - ILM Enablement Report for DRS Alignment Tables

Vendor Master (General Section)   ABAP Short Reference  
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You can use SAP information lifecycle management (ILM) policies to destroy scheduled alignment job logs after a certain period. Using these policies, you can define the retention period and user names before deleting the data from the database.

Use RFM_DRS_ALIGNMENT_DESTRUCTION program to destroy the scheduled alignment job logs. Deletion of these logs takes place according to the rules you have defined in the ILM policy.

The program destroys entries from Alignment Header(RFM_ALIGN_HEAD) header database table, Table for storing alignment detail(RFM_ALIGN_DETAIL) database table and Reason code for alignment(RFM_ALIGN_RSCODE) database table. As a reference point for calculating the retention duration, the program uses the date on which the alignment job was executed. You can run the program either in test mode or production mode.



  • In transaction ILMARA(Audit Area Processing), you must assign the ILM object RFM_ALIGNMENT_LOG (Alignment Destruction) to one or more audit areas.
  • In transaction IRMPOL(ILM Policies), select the following values to create a new live ILM policy:
  • Policy Category- Retention Rules

  • Audit Area- Use the same audit area in which your ILM object is associated


Note: The program does not destroy the data in test mode.



Use the selection criteria to filter the data. You can filter the data based on Created Byand Status fields. The selection criteria are based on ANDcondition.

Standard Variants



Execute the program in transaction ILM_DESTRUCTION(Data Destruction). After the program has run, you can check the result using transaction SLG1(Analyze Application Log) for the following objects:

  • Object: ILM (Information Lifecycle Management Application Log)
  • Sub object: ILM_DESTRUCTION_DB (ILM: Destruction of Data on the Database (Without Archiving))


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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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