
RHBAS_CHECK_INFTY - Testing of Decoupled Infotypes

RHBAS_CHECK_INFTY - Testing of Decoupled Infotypes

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You can use this program to test decoupled infotypes. In doing so, you test the business logic of the infotype. You have already implemented the business logic in an ABAP-OO class and entered it into the decoupled infotype framework using the view V_T777DITCLASS.




Selection screen

In the group box Selection, specify the infotype that you want to test. Also specify the object that you want to test (plan version, object type, and object ID).

Also enter the corresponding subtype if you only want the business logic for the infotype to be defined for this particular subtype.

You can make entries in the fields Planning Status, Start Date, and End Date to restrict the selection of infotype data that is subsequently read and displayed.

In the Further Settings group box, you can define how the infotype framework is controlled. The system forwards the settings you make here (except for the automatic text recognition) to the infotype framework without any additional interpretation.

If you select Automatic Text Recognition Active, the system automatically determines texts belonging to the field values of the infotype data and outputs these texts. The indicator thus controls the program itself and not the infotype framework.

Overview screen

On the overview screen, you see all infotype records that meet the criteria entered on the selection screen. You can now create, copy, change, or delete data records.


Select the infotype records you want and choose one of the following options:

  • Create Data Record
You can create a new infotype data record by choosing Create Data Record on the overview screen. In the dialog box, you can enter the key fields of the data record. The fields displayed are the fields from the HRIPKEY structure. With the values entered here, the business logic of the infotype is called and made available to a new infotype container (with a default value, if necessary).
Choose Continue. The Infotype Record dialog box appears.
Here you see all fields of the selected infotype. You can enter the desired field values here. Along with the actual values for the field, you also see the following field information:
  • Input help

If the system can determine an input help for the field, a symbol is displayed in the Input Help column. The input help is determined by calling the class CL_HRBAS_GENERIC_F4_HELP, which then evaluates the Data Dictionary. Therefore, if the infotype in is used in an application, the input help displayed there will only be the same as the one displayed here if the application also uses the class CL_HRBAS_GENERIC_F4_HELP. Otherwise, there may be differences between the input help displayed here and the input help in the application.
You have the following options for displaying the determined input help:
If you place the cursor in the field and choose F4, you see the input help as it was created, meaning it has all of the relevant columns.
If you choose the symbol in the Input Help field, the input help is abridged and only field values and the relevant text are displayed. Any additional columns for the input help are hidden in this display. This display is used if the input help is used to fill a dropdown list box.
  • Metadata

This column contains the specific field attributes, that is the attributes Mandatory Field, Not Modifiable, or Do Not Display. These attributes are defined by SAP using the view V_T777IFPROPS. You can override or enhance the attributes with your own values using the view V_T777IFPROPC.
  • Value Text

If you have selected the Automatic Text Recognition Active indicator on the selection screen, the system displays the automatic text recognition result in this column. This text recognition is based on the analysis of information from the Data Dictionary. If the system either cannot find any texts or if the texts found contains errors, you can access it directly in the text recognition process. For more information, see the documentation for the report RS_TEST_IDENTIFY_TEXT (Test Report for Text Recognition). Using this report, you can receive information about the process and technical background of automatic text recognition.

Choose Save to complete the creation of the data record. Before saving, you can check the data record for consistency. In this case, the system runs through the business logic of the infotype without saving the data. The data is only written to a buffer and then discarded.
If the system finds inconsistencies when checking or saving, it generates corresponding error messages that are placed in the message handler. You see the messages in the upper part of the dialog box above the list of infotype fields.
If fields are provided for the message via the business logic, the Display symbol is shown after the message in the Detail column of the appropriate message line. Choose this symbol to display the list of field names.
  • Copy Data Record
You can create a new infotype data record by choosing an existing data record as a template. On the overview screen, select the relevant data record and choose Copy.
You can then edit the data record in accordance with the options described under Create Data Record.
  • Change Data Record
You can change a data record selected on the overview screen. You have the options described under Create Data Record available.
  • Delete Data Record
You can delete a data record selected on the overview screen. If the business logic of the infotype finds an error, it forwards a corresponding message to the message handler. The message is then output.


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