
RHIQ_ST_ADM_REG_MOD_SIMP_MIG - Admission & Registration & Module Booking Migration Report

RHIQ_ST_ADM_REG_MOD_SIMP_MIG - Admission & Registration & Module Booking Migration Report

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As an optimization item for Student lifecycle Management, the architecture was simplified to store the admission, registration and module booking data.

For the easy migration from old architecture to new simplification model, a migration report is provided to push the data from old database table to newer database tables.

Customizing : IMG Setting & Value

IMG Path : Student Lifecycle Management -> Processes in Student Lifecycle Management -> General Settings -> Activate enhanced data model : SLcM process specific


Once the migration of the student is completed, the next run will check if the student was migrated before. If yes, then the migration report will skip the student. The system will not consider the delta part, if the user had made changes to customizing and there were entries created or changed in the old database table.


This migration report RHIQ_ST_ADM_REG_MOD_SIMP_MIG allows you select on the academic process and the migration option. You can decide on the options to be selected based on the functionality it provides.

1) Academic Process Selection

You can utilize the optimized data model only for admission, registration process or module booking process or both. This report provides the similar option to select the business process.

2) Migration report

For easy migration and to support the testing and validation, this report provides the migration option with respect to the data retention based on the new and old database table:

  • Keep both records: In this option, the migration report will fetch the data from the old database table, structure it accordingly and save it to the new database table. In this case, the old record remains intact and the old record's data is duplicated. This option can be used for initial run and old records can be deleted later.
  • Delete Old Records: In this option, the migration report will fetch the data from the old database table, structure it accordingly and save it to the new database table. Additionally, it deletes the data from the old database table avoiding duplication of old record. This option can be selected once the validation is over to get the old records deleted.

More Information

Note reference: 2632115 - SLCM Simplified Model Migration Report : RHIQ_ST_ADM_REG_MOD_SIMP_MIG : Enabling Deletion of Old Records

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