
RJKDFABO - Data Transfer of Subscriptions/External Delivery Orders - Include

RJKDFABO - Data Transfer of Subscriptions/External Delivery Orders - Include

ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
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Transfer data on subscriptions and external delivery orders

Defined fields

The interface is described here field by field. If the first column is marked with a cross, you must make an entry in this field. For a description of the individual fields, please see the online documentation.
To transfer data on subscriptions and external delivery orders, you must enter data in the input file in the following structures:

Field name Format Comment

1. RJKIF_S_HEAD - Header data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '01' = Header data
X REFBELEG Ref.leg.sys. C20 --> Ref.document in legacy system
X VBELN Doc.number C10 --> For external number assignment,
note the number range from the
sales document type
Internal num.assgt possible
X GPNR_AG Sold-to party C10 --> Retailer
X AUART Sales doc.type C04 --> Customizing
X VKORG Sales org. C04 --> "
X VTWEG C02 --> "
X SPART Division C02 --> "
VKGRP Sales group C03 --> "
VKBUR Sales office C04 --> "
BSTNK Pur.order no. C20
BSARK POrd.type C04 --> "
BSTZD POrd.affix C04
IHREZ Your ref. C12
BNAME Ordering pty C35
X WAERK Doc.currency C05 --> Customizing; from sold-to pty
X KURST Ex.rate type C04 " "
FAKSP Billing block C02 --> Customizing
XSEPFKKOPF Sep.bill.doc. C01 --> Initial or X
XIMMATRIK Matriculation C01 --> Initial or X

2. RJKIF_S_ITEM - Item data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '02' = Item data
X REFBELEG Ref.leg.sys. C20 --> Doc.number in leg.sys./info
VBELN Doc.number C10 --> No processing
POSEX Ext.item no. C06 --> No processing
X FUNKTION Function C02 --> '01' = Create standard item
'02' = Create trial item
'03' = Create free item
'16' = Create trial item w/aut. chargeable
'23' = Create free item w/aut. chargeable
'17' = Create trial item.for
trial w/ chgble
or free item w/ ch.
X AKTIVTYP Activity type C01 --> --> Initial or 'H'
X DRERZ Publication C08 --> Delivery viability set
X PVA Edition C08 --> "
X BEZUGSTYP Mix type C02 --> "
X LIEFERART Delivery type C02 --> "
X GUELTIGVON Valid from C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
X GUELTIGBIS Valid to C08 --> "
LIEFXUHR Latest C06 --> Format HHMMSS
X GPNR_WE Ship-to party C10
KUNWEFREMD CNo.TP publr. C15 (in 3-pty del.orders, customer
no.with ext.publisher)
X BEZUGGRD Purch.reason C03 --> Customizing
KUENDGRD Delivery end C03 --> Customizing
UNTBRGRD Suspen.reason C03 --> Initial
KOSTL_L Cost center C10 --> Customizing
VKBURZUS Sales office C04 --> Customizing
X IVWKN CAR category C08
XLOGO Print logo C01 --> Initial or X
KONDA Price group C02 --> Customizing; fr.sold-to party
KDGRP C02 --> " "
PLTYP Price list type C02 --> " "
X GPNR_RG Payer C10
XKINKASSO Pyt by FColl. C01 --> Initial or X
X GPNR_RE Bill-to party C10
RECHBEGINN Charge from C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
RECHENDE Charge to C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
FKDATVSYST Billed to C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
PERFK Billing calend. C02 --> " from payer
FKPER Billing per.un. C02 --> Billing arrangements
ZAHLW Billing method C01 --> '0' = advance OR
'1' = retroactive
FAKSP Billing block C02 --> Customizing
PRBAS Price base C01 --> Domain value
PRBAS_VK C01 --> Domain value
JUEBART Transfer type C01 --> Initial, 1 or 2
ZTERM Terms of pyt C04 --> Customizing
XSEPFKPOS Sep.bill.doc. C01 --> Initial or X
XFKKOMP Full billing C01 --> Initial
XFKENDE End of billg C01 --> Initial
XRECHDRUCK Print invoice C01 --> Initial or X
ZLSCH Pyt method C01 --> Customizing
BANKS Bank country C03 --> "
BANKL Bank key C15 --> "
BANKN Bank acct no. C18
BKONT Bank contr.key C02
XEZER Coll.auth. C01 --> Initial or X
X BEZPER Purch.per.unit C05 --> Mix offer
BZPERF Pur.PU billRel. C05 --> Mix offer, preassigned from
X ETMENGE SLine qty C10
PRSBINDDAT Pr.fixing date C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
X WERBEART Sales source C04
WERBEAKT Sales promotion C08 --> Campaign framework
MINDBEZUG Min.subs.length C02
MINDBEZEIN Min.un.of meas. C03 --> Customizing
LIEFUNTMAX Max.del.suspens.C02
LIEFUMXEIN Max.del.unit C03 --> Customizing
GPPROV Comm.recip. C10 --> Commission recipient "Rel.4.02
VSGPROV SC comm.recip. C10 --> "Rel.4.02
WERBTRAEG Adv.medium C10 --> CFwork-ad.medium assgmt active
MATNRWERB Gift C18 --> CFwork-gift assignment
XPROVVSYST Comm.settled in C01 --> Initial or 'X'
legacy system
PROVFDAT Comm.due date C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
KUENDEING Rec.of termin. C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
LIEFENDEG Req.end of del. C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
LIEFENDEI Act.end of del. C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD
XKUEND_AKT Perf.terminat. C01 --> Initial or X
PROVRART Comm.clawb.type C01 --> '0' None
'1' Full
'2' Proportional clawback
XFKRUECKK Recalc.indic. C01 --> Initial or X "Rel.4.01
Recalc.for termination
BEABLST C10 --> Gen.unloading pt del.
VSAUSSTART C02 --> spec.shippg.outsorting type
only for transfer
--> customizing
PRSDT Price date C08 --> Format YYYYMMDD "Rel.3.04

RCODE Rate code C04 --> Customizing "Rel.4.01
XAUTO_REN Autom.renewal C01 "Rel.4.01
GPVERM Pr.sls agt (for gift) C10 "Rel.4.02
STCEG_L Country for VAT det. C03 "Rel.4.02
STBFREI Type of tax exempt. C01 --> Customizing "Rel.4.02
LOGADR_WE ST pty. N04 "Rel.4.02
ADRESSVAR_WE Address cat.of STP C01 "Rel.4.02
LOGADR_RE BT pty. N04 "Rel.4.02
ADRESSVAR_RE Address cat.of BTP C01 "Rel.4.02
XDELIV_FIXED Del.via.param.fixed C01 "Rel.4.02
HEFTNUMVON Copy no.of first issue C09 "Rel.4.02
HEFTNUMBIS Copy no.of last issue C09 "Rel.4.02
TRANSFERTYPE Tr.type f.rem.amt. C01 "Rel.4.02
PROVPERCNT Commission percent N03 "Rel.4.02/3
XADVANCE_BILL Adv.billing for renewals C01 "Rel.4.62
VKONT Contract account "Rel.4.63
JNBRIEFTYP Letter type C04 "Rel.4.63
DUEDAY Due date N02 "Rel.4.64
CAMPAIGN_C Marketing campaign C24 "Rel.4.63
Note on Rel.4.02:
Due to the reorganization of promotion data, it is possible to specify two sales agents. In the upper block, the professional sales agent (commission recipient with SC) and at the end, the private sales agent as the gift recipient. Please pay attention to the new structure in your data retrieval program.
From 4.02, function '23' (free item with automatic transformation to chargeable) is available.

A further note on the 'Billing from' field (RJKABOPOS-RECHBEGINN):

This is the date from which billing was performed for the order item in the legacy system. The initial billing date is usually the same as the starting date for delivery (RJKABOPOS-GUELTIGVON). However, if the start of billing is delayed for the order item, you must enter a valid circulation audit category in field RJKABOPOS-IVWKNFREI for the non-billing period.

As of Release 4.01, payment card data can be transferred from the legacy system for each item. If an item has the payment method 'Payment card', one record of this record type is required in the file according to the item record. A maximum of one payment card is possible per item record. It the item does not require payment card data, no records of the record type 'Payment card' are required.

3. RJKIF_ITEMCC - Payment card data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '03' = Payment card
X REFBELEG leg.sys. C20 --> leg.sys./info
VBELN Document no. C10 --> No processing
X CCINS Card type C04 --> Customizing
X CCNUM Card number C25 --> Customizing
X DATBI Valid-to date C08 --> Date, format YYYYMMDD
CCNAME Card hold. name C40
AUTIM Author.time C06 --> Format HHMMSS
AUNUM Author.number C10

As of Release 4.01, the WBZ data was transferred to a separate record type. A WBZ record is only required in the file for WBZ orders. There can be a maximum of one WBZ record per item.

4. RJKIF_S_ITEMWBZ - WBZ data on item
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '04' = WBZ data on order item
X REFBELEG Ref.leg.sys. C20 --> leg.sys./info
VBELN Doc.number C10 --> No processing
X WBZSATZART WBZ rec.type C03 --> WBZ record type (customizing)
X WBZVORGART Transac.type C03 --> WBZ transac.type (customizing)
WERBKZSCHL Prom.reb.key C01 --> Promotion rebate key
X WBZABOKUNR WBZ sub.custNo. C09 --> S-T WBZ company
XWBZRUECKU Report reloc. C01 --> Only if confirmation required
WBZKUNNR C06 --> Always initial;
determined from sold-to party
VERTRKENNZ C05 --> Always initial;
determined from edition
X WBZTERMIN C09 --> WBZ date of creation/change
WBZVERTRETER C07 --> Optional
XWBZRUECKK Report termin. C01 --> Only if confirmation required

You must specify the subscription number (field 7) in the field REFBELEG.

As of Release 4.01, the alternate delivery address has been transferred to a separate record type. A record of this kind is only required if there is an alternate delivery address. There can be a maximum of one alternate delivery address record per item.

The following address fields are used when transferring an alternative order-related delivery address:

5. RJKIF_ADDRESS - Address data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '05' = address
X REFBELEG Ref.leg.sys. C20 --> leg.sys./info
VBELN Doc.number C10 --> No processing
ANRED FOA key C02 --> Customizing
NAME1 Last name C35
NAME2 First name C35
NAME3 field C35
NAME4 field C35
TITEL Title C15 --> Customizing
NAMZU Name affix C15 --> Customizing
VORSW Name prefix C15 --> Customizing
PSTLZ Postal code C10
ORT01 City C35
ORT02 City district C35
PSTL2 PO box PCode C10
PSTL3 Company PCode C10
PFACH PO box C10
ORTPF PO box city C35
STRAS Street C35
HAUSN House number C06
HSNMR2 HNo.affix C04
ADRZUS2 Address affix C06
STOCK Floor C06
LAND1 Country key C03 --> Customizing
PREDIRECTIONAL Direction for street name C10 --> Customizing (USA)
POSTDIRECTIONAL Direction f.street name C10 --> Customizing (USA)
ADDRSECABBREV Sec.address text C04 --> Customizing (USA)
ADDRSECNUMBER Sec.address number C08 (USA)
STREET2 Second street line C35
ALIASNAME Alias text C50 (USA)
SORTL Sort field C10
SPRAS Language C01 --> Customizing
REGIO Region C03 --> Customizing
TELFX Fax number C31
TELTX Teletex number C30
TELX1 Telex number C30
MAILN Mail user C12 --> Not in use
ISPTELVWP Home area code C10
ISPTELVWD Off.area code C10
ISPHANDY Mobile number C30
ISPEMAIL e-mail address C50

Note: The fields marked '(USA)' are only for use in the US country version.

Price Date for Renewals and Delivery Subscriptions

An amortization plan is created for renewals and delivery subscriptions. You must set the price date so that each order has an amortization plan on the shipping date of the delivery when amortization takes place for the first time in the IS-M System. If the price date is not specified, the system determines one.
An amortization plan is not created for orders that end before the date on which production starts for the publication. For this reason, it is important to specify the production start date for the publication when transferring data on renewals and delivery subscriptions. If you do not yet know the production start date, please specify an approximate date.

As of Release 4.63, you can also copy alternating delivery addresses for each item from the legacy system. If an item has alternating delivery addresses, at least two 'Sub-item' records are required in the file after the item record.
If an item does not have any alternating delivery addresses, you do not need a record of the type 'Sub-item'.

6. RJKIF_S_SUBITEM - Sub-Item Data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '11' = Sub-item
X REFBELEG Ref.legacy system C20 --> legacy
system /info
VBELN Document number C10 --> No processing
X DELIVSPLITGRP Add.alternation group C10 --> Customizing
X DELIVSPLIT Alternating add.element C10 --> Customizing
X PVA Edition C08 --> Del.viability set
X BEZUGSTYP Mix type C02 --> Del.viability set
X LIEFERART Delivery type C02 --> Del.viability set
XDELIV_FIXED Del.via.set fixed C01 --> Del.viability set
X KUNWE ship-to party C10
X IVWKN IVW category C08
IVWKNFREI IVW category free C08
X_MONTAG C01--> Only if group variable
X_DIENSTAG C01 Otherwise Customizing
LOGADR_WE ship-to N04 "
ADRESSVAR_WE Address type of ship-to C01 "
INCLUDE RJGSADR (Address struc.for new ship-to adds
see description RJKIF_ADDRESS )

As of release 4.72, additional payments (tips or donations) can be transferred from the legacy system for renewal subscriptions with FI-CA customers. This means if an item contains additional payments, the 'additional payment' records are required in the file after the item record.
If an item does not contain additional payments, an 'additional payment' record is not required.

7. RJKIF_S_ITEMACCADDT - Additional Payment Data
X SATZART Record type C02 --> '12' = Add. payment
X REFBELEG Ref.legacy system C20 --> Doc. number from
legacy system/info
VBELN Document number C10 --> No processing
X ADDPAYMENT_TYPE Add.payment type C02 --> Customizing
X ADDPAYMENT_VALUEC Add.payment amount C10
X WAERK Currency C03
XNONRECURRING Non-recurring add.pyt C01
XRECURRING Recurring add. payment C01

BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data   BAL Application Log Documentation  
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