
RPCBKTD0 - Construction Industry: Create Data Medium for Social Fund Procedure

RPCBKTD0 - Construction Industry: Create Data Medium for Social Fund Procedure

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Create Data Medium for Social Fund


With report RPCBKTD0 (Create SFP Data Medium), you create a file with social fund notifications for each social fund (ZVK/ULAK, SKB). The file is stored as a TemSe object. You then copy the TemSe object to disk and send the data medium to the social fund.



You have created social fund notifications with report RPCBKVD0 (Create Notifications) and, if necessary, you have corrected any incorrect notifications.

The notifications are stored with the status New.



Selection of notifications

In the Payroll period and Selection groups, you specify which payroll period is to be evaluated and which employees are to be included in the evaluation. The report checks whether social fund notifications with status New exist for these selection criteria. These notifications are formatted and written to a TemSe file. The status of the notifications selected changes from New to Transferred.

Run report RPCBKTD0 (Create SFP Data Medium) for the same payroll period and the same employees for which you created social fund notifications with report RPCBKVD0. This ensures that the social fund notifications with status New are also transferred.

Create TemSe objects

TemSe objects are temporary, sequential files that are stored in the SAP System.

The report determines the social fund to which the employee is assigned in the Social Fund Procedure infotype (0189).

All social fund notifications that are sent to the same social fund are written to the same TemSe object HR_CBKT(social fund indicator)_(sequential number):

Social fund TemSe object
01: ZVK/ULAK Wiesbaden HR_CBKT01_(sequential number)
02: SKB Berlin HR_CBKT02_(sequential number)

Accompanying note to social fund

The report also creates a letter for each social fund. The letter is printed using a SAPscript form. In the standard system, form HR_DE_BK_BGS is used.
The number of the TemSe object is used as the number of the data medium.

Transfer notifications to diskette

When the report has been executed, a log is displayed on the screen. In the Overview of Created TemSe Objects group, the created TemSe objects are listed for each social fund. If you choose Execute on any TemSe object, you call report RPUBKBD0 (SFP: Download Data Medium to Diskette). This report enables you to copy the notifications stored in the selected TemSe object to a diskette or disk drive.
See also: Copy SFP Notifications to Diskette (RPUBKBD0)

Execute repeat run

The ZVK/ULAK Wiesbaden informs you that the data medium is faulty and that a new data medium must be created. Unfortunately, however, the TemSe object for the data medium has already been deleted.

In this case, proceed as follows: The SFP notifications for the data medium run to be repeated now have the status Transfer. You can use report RPCBKTD0(Create SFP Data Medium) to create a new TemSe object for these notifications. You can then copy the TemSe object to diskette.

Creating contribution notifications (data record BEMEL) with SAP Note 1053557

If the function for data record BEMEL is activated in Customizing, then each time the program is started, the BEMEL records are created with the cumulative contribution values and are stored in database table PDBKBESUM. You can choose to also have the BEMEL records written as new when the report is started again. You can force this by setting the dark parameter pa_upbe.

Description of the dark parameters se_rrfpp (period) and se_rrbnr (company number):

If you need to create the BEMEL record again for a given company number and period (fpper), you can force this using the two parameters. The parameters are created as selection options.

Important note: Only single values are allowed for both the period and the company number. The single values of the period and company number are mapped to one another based on their sequence. That means that the first single value of the company number is assigend to the first single value in the period.

Example: You want to force the re-creation of the BEMEL notification for the following company numbers and periods:
Company Number,,Period

In the parameter pa_rrbnr, maintain the single values in the following sequence:
1. Row,,=>,,11111111
2. Row,,=>,,11111111
3. Row,,=>,,22222222
You now maintain the periods you want using the parameter pa_rrfpp.
1. Row ,,=> ,,200705
2. Row,,=>,,200706
3. Row ,,=> ,,200705
The program then automatically links the company numbers and the periods
from the corresponding rows of the single values.

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