
RPCDEBE0 - Delt@ - e-mail notifications RATSB

RPCDEBE0 - Delt@ - e-mail notifications RATSB

ABAP Short Reference   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
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Use this report to generate XML notifications for employees for whom an accident without sick leave has been recorded in infotype Delt@ (0968) in subtype 3.

You can create electronic notifications in production mode for submittance to the Delt@ Authorities or in simulation mode.

Only infotype records with the following statuses will be processed:

  • Not submitted
  • Electronic notification created and Not accepted

The XML file is stored in a TemSe object.

All notifications that have been processed successfully are stored in an XML MultiRATSB file.


Notifications for Accidents without sick leave are created and maintained in the Delt@ infotype (0968) subtype 3.

From the infotype transaction (PA30), you can create directly an XML SingleRATSB file or simulate its generation.

XML MultiRATSB files can only be created with this report.

Once a notification is created in production mode, the status in the infotype record changes automatically to Electronic notification created. Additionally, the name of the productive XML file is saved in the infotype record.

The infotype records are maintained directly from this report.

The generated XML files can be displayed and downloaded using the RPUTMSE0 TemSe viewer.


You have made the necessary settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) under: Payroll - Spain -> Delt@ - Electronic Declaration of Employees Injured at Work.



The report contains the following group boxes:

  • Period: Select the evaluation period.
  • Selection: Select the personnel numbers range. You can add other section criteria using the Further selection pushbutton.
  • Filter by CAC: Choose a CAC or an interval of CACs.
  • Processing mode:
  • If the Simulation radio button is flagged, only an XML MultiRATSB file simulation will be launched.

  • If the Production Mode radio button is flagged, an XML MultiRATSB file will be generated and the Delt@ infotype (0968) will be maintained directly.

  • If the Overview radio button is flagged, you will get an overview of all notifications, regardless of their status. No XML file will be generated.

  • Options: there are other selection options for the report.
After you have selected the personnel numbers and CCCs, choose how the report should create the XML files using the Break down by CCC field.

Standard Variants


The report uses the HCM application log for the output.

The output log contains the following nodes:

  • Statistics
  • Selected personnel numbers: number of employees processed with the selected options that had an accident or a relapse during the selected evaluation period. In production and simulation modes, notifications with status Accepted or Canceled are not included in the list.

  • Successfully processed personnel numbers: number of employees for whom no error messages have been generated and therefore have been processed successfully.

  • Rejected personnel numbers: number of employees for whom an error message has been generated and therefore have been rejected.

  • Generated accident reports: number of notifications included in the generated TemSe file.

  • General messages:
General messages are generated only if an error occurs during the processing and the correct creation of the XML file is not guaranteed. In such case, all notifications will be rejected.
  • Messages for personnel numbers:
If an error message is generated for an employee, the notification that caused the error will be rejected. In this case no XML file will be generated and it will not be possible to maintain the Delt@ infotype in production mode.
  • Generated TemSe files:
The XML file name appears below the TemSe Object column as an ALV list.
In dialog mode, you can click the icon below the Type column to navigate to the TemSe viewer directly and display the generated XML file.
This link is not availabe in batch mode and in the SPOOL file. The XML file can be displayed and/or downloaded by calling transaction Display and Download of TemSe Files (PC00_M04_UTMS) or, in the shortcut menu, under HR-> Payroll -> Europe -> Spain -> Tools -> List of TemSe Objects -> Delt@.
  • Processed notifications:
This node contains a list with all the processed notifications.
The standard version offers the 01SAP ALV variant as standard for this list. You can define and save other ALV variants using the Select layout pushbutton.
  • The column NoR (Number of Infotype Record)displays the last version of an evaluated notification. If the value is blank, no previous version exists for the notification.

  • The format of the name in the column Employee Name can be redefined specifically for this report. For more details, see the IMG activity Assigning a name format to programs.

  • In the Result column there are three possible statuses, represented by three icons:
    Green icon: for successfully processed notifications. In Production and Simulation, emodes, these are the notifications from which a RATSB (List of industrial accidents without report) was created without error messages; in the Overview mode these are the notifications for which an XML file can be generated or from which a productive XML file has already been created.
    Yellow icon: infotype records for which the generation of an XML file is not yet possible Report status is Not complete).
    Red icon: infotype records for which an error message was generated during the processing.

  • If an XML file was generated during the processing (in production or simulation mode), the Position column displays the RATSB section position in the XML file.

  • The Report status, Notification status and File ID columns display the data existing once the processing has ended.

  • In dialog mode it is possible to display directly the appropriate infotype record by clicking the Display icon. This link is not availabe in batch mode and in the SPOOL file.


For notifications with a productive file the additional field Notification status appears with transaction PA30 in the infotype. The initial value of this field is '-'. In this case you can only change the notification status.

  • The use of this status is optional; for instance, you can select it to indicate that the notification was already submitted to the authorities but that you have not yet received a confirmation. Once you have successfully created a productive notification, the infotype record cannot be changed or copied, and no XML file can be generated (in order to ensure a consistent data exchange between the HR department and the Delt@ authorities).
  • Once the authorities have confirmed that the electronic notification is correct, you may change the acceptance status to Accepted. The infotype record cannot then be changed or copied and it is not possible to generate an XML file.

In the following cases the electronic notification should be recreated and submitted again to the authorities:

  • The notification has not been accepted by the authorities and has to be modified.

  • The notification was deleted or lost before being submitted to the authorities.

  • The notification has been accepted by the authorities but still contains incorrect or incomplete data.

To recreate an electronic notification in production mode, you have the following options:

  • Change the notification status to Not accepted. If you select this status, you will be able to change the infotype record again and make any changes necessary. Then, you can create another productive notification, either through the report or directly from the PA30 transaction. The new notification name will be stored in the Identifier (ID) field. The Notification status will be reset.
  • If you wish to keep a history of the notifications generated in the infotype, change the record status to Canceled. In this way, the infotype record cannot be changed but you can create a new copy. In this copy, the Record status will be Not submitted and the Identifier field will be blank. Once you have made the necessary changes to the copy, you can create a new notification using the report or directly from transaction PA30.

To access this report, in the SAP menu choose HR -> Payroll -> Europe-> Spain-> Action plan -> Period independent -> Communication Management -> Delt@ - RATSB electronic notifications.


BAL Application Log Documentation   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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