
RPCDUPD0 - Check-Relevant Case Groups for the Selection Check

RPCDUPD0 - Check-Relevant Case Groups for the Selection Check

PERFORM Short Reference   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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This report is used to support checks, in accordance with the Contribution Collection Regulation (BUEVO).

To check selected cases using actual data, the report selects personnel numbers that belong to the Case groups specified in BUEVO. The output list contains the personnel numbers found, as well as a subdivision of the cases, these personnel numbers should be assigned to during a certain payroll period.

The report examines the periods specified in the periods to be evaluated. However, only those payroll results, whose 'In-periods' are greater than or equal to the period entered in the 'payroll period', are evaluated. This means that even with a later 'end period' only payroll results in the payroll period are evaluated. The results of the evaluation have to be interpreted from the view of the entered payroll period.

Case groups supported:

  1. Employees exempt from insurance in health insurance
    Criterion: SAP HI indicator = 0, 5 or 6.
  2. Employees exempt from insurance in unemployment insurance
    Criterion: SAP UI indicator = 0
  3. Employees exempt from insurance in pension insurance
    Criterion: SAP PI indicator = 0, 5, 6 or 7.
  4. Temporary employees
    Criterion: selection according to person subgroup/group (user entry)
  5. Employees, who receive a pension due to permanent incapacity to work, or retirement pension
    Criterion: DUV-REANT = EW or AR (default values, overridable)
  6. Employees, for whom only the employer share is to be paid for pension insurance or to the Federal Employment Office.
    Criterion: SAP PI indicator = 3 or 4 or SAP-AV indicator = 2
  7. Certain professional groups
    Criterion: position from WPBP-STELL (user entry)
    alternative: activity key from DUV-DUETA
  8. Individual wage types
    Criterion: RT contains wage type (user entry)
  9. Non-recurring payments, assigned to the previous year
    Criterion: RT contains LGA /333 /334 /334 or /3PG (default values, overridable)
  10. Cases in which only the employer pays the contributions.
    Criterion: SI attribute '08' or'24'.
  11. Employees, whose current monthly income exceeds at least once the income threshold in health insurance or in pension insurance, but does not reach the leading proportional annual income.
    Criterion: wage type /102 (curr. income SI) exceeds the monthly HI or PI assessment threshold, but there is still margin.
  12. Employees according to the Semiretirement Act.
    Criterion: SI primary attribute 04.
  13. Employees exempt from insurance in HI and PI, whose income is inferior to the annual income threshold.
    Criterion: /102 (from RT) times 12 + total of /103 a. /105 (from CRT) is inferior to HI assessment threshold, although (SAP) HI key 5.
  14. Left employees, who at the end of the employment relationship still receive an income.
    Criterion: total of /102, /103 and /105 unequal to zero, although WPBP-STAT2 = 0.
  15. Employees, who have once received a paid income during a paid-up period.
    Criterion: /103 or /105 unequal to zero, no SI days.
  16. Employees, for whom employment continues according to §7 par. 3 sentence 1 of the Fourth Book of Code of Social Law.
    Criterion: DEÜV indicator 'E' in TL shorter than one month.
  17. Cases in which the personnel number and/or the payroll area have changed.
    Criterion: a change of payroll area is identified in VERSC-ABKRS. It is impossibile to identify a change of personnel number.
  18. Cases in which a training relationship follows or precedes an employment relationship.
    Criterion: change in DUV-STBRF of 0 to another value or vice versa.

User entries are compulsory for case groups 4, 7, and 8.

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