
RPCELDTMCL - ELDP for year 2004 to cluster

RPCELDTMCL - ELDP for year 2004 to cluster

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ELDP from 1.1.2004 for employments.

Program RPCELDTMCL creates ELDP and saves ELDP into cluster. This program can create ELDP. ELDP type, i.e. New ELDP or Corrective ELDP is automatically determined in the program logic. Onward can be selected in program, if exclusively corrective ELDP can be created (if selected the selection screen parameter “Creating corrective ELDP” = “X”) or the forgotten ELDP can be created (if selected the selection screen parameter “Creating forgotten ELDP” = “X”). ELDP creation is identical with the ELDP creation in program RPCELDTM.
Data of the specified personnel number (employee) (print check of ELDP basic data) and income in the specified year is printed. ELDP can be sent then from the cluster to CSSZ (by the program RPCELDT2S), manually corrected (by the program RPCELDT2R) or printed for the purposes of employee, employer or inspection from OSSZ (without sending to CSSZ)- programs RPCELDT2T and RPCELDT2TM).
Program is executed for the 1 year period, e.g. from 1.1.2004 to 31.1.2004.

Selection screen description:

Test run - if selected, test run will be done with print output and basic data for ELDP without saving into the cluster. Otherwise will be created with the print output with the basic data for ELDP and saving ELDP into the cluster.

Creating ELDP - if selected, for the selected period will be generated ELDPs. ELDP will be created automatically in program RPCELDTMCL.

Creating new ELDP - if selected, all ELDP created in this run will be as new ones, i.e. they change the type of unsent ELDP from 51 and 71 to 01, from 52 and 72 to 02 or from 53 and 73 to 03.

Corrective ELDP - if selected, all ELDP created in this run will be as corrective ones, i.e. ELDP type changes from 01 to 51, 02 to 52 or 03 to 53.

Forgotten ELDP - if selected, all ELDP created in this run will be as forgotten ones, i.e. ELDP type changes from 01 or 51 to 71, from 02 or 52 to 72 and from 03 or 53 to 73.

Correct manually changed - if selected, also the manually corrected ELDP will be overwritten. Otherwise the manually corrected ELDPs will not be changed, only the not manually changed ELDPs will be changed.

Creating of divided ELDP - if selected, the divided ELDP to the end processing date (PN-ENDDA) will be created. This option is used only when the social security authority invites during the calendar year to the ELDP sending (e.g. following the application for pension insurance contribution writing) and the insurance lasts also after its sending (from 1. 1. 2010 already in view of regulations § 37 law No. 155/1995 coll., as amended by law No. 306/2008 coll.,for the entitlement for retirement pension pay during the economic activity must not be with the beneficiary of the retirement pension concluded fixed term employment). The program run period must with this option cover the whole month (e.g. 1.1.2011 - 31.3.2011).

"Display all processing items" - if selected, all items generated by the RPCELDTMCL program will be listed. Otherwise, items to be saved into the cluster (test run) or saved in the cluster (productive run) will be listed.

Corrective ELDP date - enter the date for corrective ELDP.

Date for create ELDP - enter a date of ELDP creation.

Address by the execution date ELDP - if selected, the employee address will be listed to the ELDP issue date. Otherwise the address valid to the last day of the data selection period will be listed

Type of action - death - enter a type of action upon death in IT0000 (P0001-MASSN) ,,

Reason for action - death - enter a reason for action upon death in IT0000 (P0001-MASSN)

Common evaluation PP empl. - if selected, the “Days” and “Excluded periods” will be determined depending on all PP of employee. Otherwise the “Days” and “Excluded periods” will be determined only by the just processed employee’s PP.

Concurrent PP by personnel numbers - if selected, the concurrent employments will be evaluated by personnel numbers, i.e. For the main personnel number will be one employment regardless their count in year, for the secondary personnel number will be the second concurrent PP, etc..Is this option not selected, every employment will be evaluated separately, i.e. if there are on a personnel number in year 3 PPV, they will be reported as one PP, second concurrent PP a third concurrent PP.

ELDP for all PPV of employee - if selected, for an employee will be created ELDP for all personnel numbers which were in the selection period active. Otherwise will be created ELDP only for the specified numbers which were in the selection period active.

Output in person selection period - select in case that OSSZ (CSSZ) will require employee ELDP during a given person selection period.

Data selection period by the person selection period - this parameter makes sense only when the parameter “Output in person selection period” is selected. Are selected the parameters “Output in person selection period” and “Data selection period by the person selection period“, the data selection period will be filled with the values from the person selection period. Is selected only the parameter “Output in person selection period” and the parameter “Data selection period by the person selection period” is not selected, for the data selection will be used the period entered in the data selection period.

Address subtype for foreigners - enter subtype IT0006 used to maintain Czech domiciles of the foreigner.

Child.f.IT2 priority over IT21 - select if number of children for retirement age should be determined from T0002. Otherwise, this number will be determined from IT0021.

Child - subtype - enter subtype from IT0021 to detect number of children

'X' Birth name = Last name - if selected, maiden name will be filled with the last name field (IT0002-NACHN), if "Maiden name" (IT0002 -NAME2) is empty.

Insured person ID-relevant IT2 - if selected, the data for the insured person will be selected from the current valid record in IT0002. Otherwise the data from IT0002 will be selected in the current manner, i.e.the latest last name, name and title from the current valid record in IT0002 and other data (maiden name, date of birth,...) from the first record in IT0002.

"Starting job in company" - use search help to select source for date in the "employment entry date (employed since)" register field.

IT41 for hire date - if selected, the field "Employment from" field will contain the date from date type 40 (First working day) in infotype 0041. Has the employee not entered the date type 40, the field “Employment from” will contain the calculated last entry date. If not selected, the "Employment from" field will contain a calculated date of the last entry. If there is a date type 40 in the infotype IT0041 lower than a calculated date of the last entry, the "Employment from” field will contain this date. ,,

Don’t use the first working day from IT41 - if selected, the ‘First working day” from IT0041 will not be used for evaluation of pension insurance start.

Retirement pension beneficiary print - if selected, the ELDP willbe created also for the retirement pension beneficiaries, otherwise will be created only ELDP for employees who do not receive retirement pension.

Address key for org. in T536A - enter employer address key from table T536A.. Address for ELDP is selected from records with address type '/A' (T536A-ANART = '/A'). If the "Address key for org. in T536A" remains blank, the employer address key will be determined using the T5T1L table for ELDP (i.e. T5T1L-TXTYP = "ELDP"), whereas value for T536A-ANART will be taken from field T5T1L-ANART and value for T536A-VARGU will be taken from field T5T1L-VARGU.

Employer address in ELDP must follow this T536A table structure:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Id (T536A-SEQNU) = 'A' - enter organization name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= '1' - enter additional organization name characters if needed,,,,,,,,,,,,A,,

,,,,,,,,= 'I' - street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'J' - house number,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'K' - municipality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'L' - postal / ZIP code,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'Q' - ICO of the organization

If you use the new address for ELDP (i.e. In table T5TPS77S0-GRPID = 'ZZADR', T5TPS77S0-SEMID = 'ZLADR' and T5TPS77S0-GSVAL = '1' or T5TPS77S0-GRPID = 'CZADR', T5TPS77S0-SEMID = 'GLADR' and T5TPS77S0-GSVAL = '1' ), the setting for the address in table T536A will be as follows:

,,,,Id (T536A-SEQNU) = 'A' - enter organization name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= '1' - enter additional organization name characters if needed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A,,

,,,,,,,,= 'B' - enter street ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'C' - enter house number,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'D' - enter municipality,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'E' - enter ZIP code,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,= 'I' - enter ICO of the organization

"Organization VS" - enter a variable symbol for the organization If left empty, VS from table T5T1L field PSKTO will be used according to the organizational assignment of the employee by the end of data selection period.

Printout 3. part ELDP - select, if organization ID should be printed on the ELDP report

Printout retirement age date - selection of this option will display in the base data the retirement age date.

Inclusive data in OL - if selected, the data will be listed inclusive the data in OL.

PPM and PP inclusive OL - if selected, the data about insurance process will be mentioned in the part, where are insurance time during the military service in CR (V), civil service (C) or time when the woman received the maternity allowance, man received paternity allowance (M) inclusive paying of these benefits in protection period. Otherwise will be this data listed only for the employment duration period.

Also the negative taxable income into VZ - if selected, in the assessment base will be included also the months with the negative assessment base for SP. Otherwise will be in the assessment base included only the months with the positive assessment base.

ELDP for employees with zero income - if selected, the ELDP will be created for employees with zero income (e.g. unpaid maternity leave). Otherwise will be ELDP for employees with zero income not created.

ELDP for not created participation in SP - if selected, the ELDPwill be created also for employees who did not create participation in SP. Otherwise is ELDP created only for employees with participation in SP.

Excluded month not when MD /303='1' - if selected, the excluded months in ELDP will be edited by MD /303. If MD /303 = '1' (employee has created participation in insurance) will be regardless positive or negative VZ SP month marked as the month with participation in SP.

Maternity leave start date by P2001-LFZED - if selected, the maternity leave entry date will be taken from the IT2001 (P2001-LFZED). This option is valid from 1.1.2009.

Retirement age date by IT0620 - if selected, the retirement age date will be taken from the entry in (DATVY or DPRIZ). Is this option not selected, the date from the function module HR_CZ_SENIORITY_AGE will be used. This option is valid from 1.1.2009.

Type&reason act.for split PPV - this parameter is a special customer action for exit and entry within one day. This parameter (type and reason of the action) is to be filled if a new ELDP is generated. Otherwise, leave it empty. Attention: when generating a new ELDP caused by action entered in the "Type&reason act.for split PPV" parameter, the work activity date must be determined in customer exit "USER_ELDP2004_BEGDA"..

Type and reason of action for unproc. ELDP - if we don’t want to process ELDP for specified type and reason of action, using the search help insert into this parameter the type and reason of action. For this type and reason of action will be ELDP not created.

Type and reason of action for unproc. ELDP - if we don’t want to process ELDP for specified type and reason of action, using the search help insert into this parameter the type and reason of action. For this type and reason of action will be ELDP not created.

Economic activity in org. for income after termination. - if selected, will be listed the date of economic activity in organization for income after termination, illnesses in OL,... occurred in the year following the termination year. Otherwise will not be listed the date of economic activity in organization for income after termination, illnesses in OL,... occurred in the year following the termination year.


Nature of employment must be maintained in
table T5T47N (extension of table T547V - PPV types entered in
infotype 0016).

Configuration of absence types must be done in the T5T04 table
(extension of the T554S table).

During the same month, it is not possible to make a settlement
under the same personal number for an employee who has more employments in the current month
with different “Type of economic activity” and the fact
whether the individual PPV created or did not created insurance participation.
The system is not able to take creation/not creation of participation into account in more detail than
for one month.

It is assumed that insurance participation established is equal to
the date of PPV origination. If not, date of establishment of care insurance participation must be
contained in infotype 0041 Dates (it is expected, that begin of infotype validity
is equal to the date of PPV origination) with date type 40.

The program is able to detect when retirement age is reached in the event that
this date is stated in infotype 0041 under
date type number 45. Is the date type 45 not available, the date is determined
on the basis of:
- birth date from infotype 0002
- gender (based on title) from infotype 0002
- number of children (applies for women) from infotype 0021
Valid subtypes of infotype 0021 are entered as a separate
parameter on the selection screen. If
"Num.of child.from infot.0002" is checked, information
on number of children from infotype 0002 has priority over
the one from infotype 0021.

Report settings
Table T5T47N - economic activity types settings (URO 165/1979)
Content of this table affects print otuput of the report and not the calculation
of insurance premium. This is controlled by the content of infotype 0153 as before.
"EA type" - use the F4 help to enter the EA type. Help text will be
listed in the header of ELDZ base data. If an employee
has multiple employments during a year with different values in this field,
more "tabs" will be printed
"PI participation" - use the F4 help
"Active" - this field is not used at present

Table T5T04 - absence type settings
The following values can be entered in the AWTY2 column:
001 - illnesses
002 - family care leave. Because only the following is taken into account:
003 - maternity leave
004 - basic military service
005 - civil service
006 - unpaid leave and unexcused absence
009 - parental leave,,
010 - paternity leave
011 - long-time nursing
013 - maternity leave (since 2009) for maternity leave without child birth date check (e.g. next maternity leave)
014 - military exercise,,


PPV code is filled by the PPV from IT0016. Value for the 1st part of the code is taken direct from IT0016-CTNUM (PPV code for ELDP). Is in the IT0016-CTNUM not any value, the 1st part of the code is determined by the value in the table T5T45N-DRVCI, where since 2012 is valid the following assignment:,,

,,First part of the code:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 0 - for employment Code value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 is determined in ,,,,,,,,,,Report automatically.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 2 - for DPC. Code value A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I or J is determined in report ,,,,,,,,,,automatically.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 8 - for DPP. Code value T, U, V, W, X, Y or Z is determined in report ,,,,,,,,,,,,automatically.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 3 - for nursing service volunteer. Code value K.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 4 - for limited partner. Code value S.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 5 - for managing director. Code value S.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 6 - for joint partner. Code value S.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = 7 - for member of cooperative. Code value O.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = A - for contract employee. Code value N.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = B - for foster parent. Code value M.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = C - member of cooperative. Code value O.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = D - for home employee Code value L.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = E - for members of collective authorities, legal persons. Code value Q.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = F - for procurists. Code value P.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = G - for liquidators. Code value R.

,,,,T5T45N-DRVCI = H - for companions, managing directors, limited partners and directors of charitable trusts. ,,,,,,,,Code value S.

,,Second part of the code:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Second part of the code is determined in report automatically.

,,Third part of the code:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Third part of the code is filled by the setting in IT0033 for statutories. If it is in the IT0033 in statistical area ,,,,CZ03 in the exception entered 'A' , in the 3rd part of the code is the value 'S'. Otherwise is in the 3rd part of the code the value ' '. ,,,,



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