
RPCINAI0 - Data extraction report for INAIL self-assessment

RPCINAI0 - Data extraction report for INAIL self-assessment

SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up   PERFORM Short Reference  
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This program executes the processing of the data which is necessary to fill in the INAIL self-settlement, that the company must execute every year.

The self-settlement consists of the calculation of the settlement payment to be carried out to the body concerning the year previous to the current one and the calculation of the advance payment of the payments concerning the current year.

The program uses the taxation 43 (INAIL contributions, wage type /143), extracts the gross amount of the personnel number and groups the employees according to criteria established at company level and customized using various master data fields.


  1. Execute the program RPCINAI0;
  2. Select the relevant period (usually a year);
  3. Select the relevant employees (e.g. personnel number or company code);
  4. In the section “Data extraction”:
    1. enter the model previously created in the table V_T5F99F0 (see the following paragraph “Requirement”), e.g. “9INA”;
    2. enter the type of table previously created in the field “Table type for display” (see the following paragraph “Requirement”), e.g. "Z15_TAB_INAIL";
    3. execute the program.


The DAQ (Data Acquisition) framework must have been previously customized; it allows to extract information from the InfoType tables and from those of the payroll cluster to use them in this program. After having customized the tables for DAQ, it is necessary to create a structure and a table type in the DDIC (Data Dictionary) so that this program can acquire information about how the data must be displayed in the ALV list.


In the ALV list only the processing results are displayed.

The ALV table consists of a line for each processed employee containing the PN, some master information and sums of wage types for the calculation of the gross INAIL, of the contribution etc.

The user can carry out the totals and the subtotals for the chosen employee group using the ALV standard functionality.

Further notes

If necessary, the output data can be filtered by “item” by customizing the field “Territorial insurance item”. If this field remains empty all the data will be displayed, which refers to all the selected employees. It is therefore necessary that the field “Item” in the customizing of the tables V_T5F99FD and V_T5F99FF has been called “PATIN”.

We recommend you to carry out the program in background, if many employees are involved. It is therefore necessary to carry out what follows:

  1. select “Calculate the values”;
  2. do not select “ALV list”;
  3. do not fill in the “TemSE file” field;
  4. execute the program in background.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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