
RPCKUMD0 - Module for Calculation of Reduced Hours/Winter Compensation

RPCKUMD0 - Module for Calculation of Reduced Hours/Winter Compensation

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As of 1998, reduced hours compensation and winter compensation are calculated using the new RHC module.

The calculation is carried out with the help of table T5D0L by the various processing routines in three steps:

Calculation for All Periods:

  1. Routine K010: Determination of Planned Remuneration from Infotype Recurring Payments
    Planned remuneration specified in infotype 14 replaces the planned remuneration calculated automatically.
  2. Routine K050: Summarization of Hours Lost
    The lost hours are written to the IT as subsequent wage types and aggregated into tables KUGB and AUSFALL.
Calculating Planned and Actual Remuneration for Exact Periods

  1. Routine K020: Determination of Planned Remuneration from Infotype Reduced Working Hours
    1. The planned remuneration calculated automatically is replaced by a value specified manually.
    2. If planned remuneration was specified neither in infotype 14 nor 49, the KUGS variable from table VAR is distributed to the WPBP periods. Distribution is based on the ratio of the TSSOLL factor for the partial period to the GSSOLL factor for the entire period.
  2. Routine K030: Determination of Monthly Value for Planned Remuneration.
    1. Planned remuneration for the RHC period is also saved to table KUGB.
    2. Planned remuneration outside of the RHC period is saved to table KUGB under no specific reference number.
  3. Routine K040: Determination of Wage Rate
    1. If a wage rate is specified in infotype 49, no calculation takes place.
    2. Otherwise, the wage rate is calculated as a quotient of the planned remuneration and planned hours in the period.
  4. Routine K060: Determination of Actual Remuneration
    1. Actual remuneration is saved for each possible payment (such as RHC, sick before RHC, RHC on public holiday) and each RHC period, below the relevant reference number in table KUGB.
    2. Actual remuneration for RHC, for example, is calculated as follows:
      Actual remuneration = reduced wage (/170) +
      (hours for unpaid absence * wage rate) +
      (complementary lost hours (RHC, sick before RHC, WC, and so on) * wage rate).
      The complementary lost hours, that is, the lost hours for RHC, sick before RHC, WC, and so on, are calculated by routine K150.
    3. Actual remuneration outside of the RHC period is saved to table KUGB under no specific reference number.
  5. Routine K070: Locking of Annual Employment Tax Declaration
    1. The annual employment tax declaration is locked by wage type /411.
Calculating Reduced Hours Compensation/Winter Compensation

  1. Routine K080: Determination of Flat-Rate Net for Actual Remuneration
    1. If there are lost hours in the RHC period, a flat-rate net amount is calculated from the actual remuneration for every possible payment, in accordance with the official process flow.
    2. In this case, routine K110 is used to save the rounded actual remuneration to the IT.
  2. Routine K090: Determination of Flat-Rate Net for Planned Remuneration
    1. If at least one flat-rate net amount was calculated from the actual remuneration in the RHC period, the flat-rate net amount is calculated from the planned remuneration. Again, this is carried out according the official process flow.
    2. Routine K120 is used to save the rounded actual remuneration to the IT.
    3. Routine K140 is used to save the 100% flat-rate net amount from the planned remuneration to the IT.
  3. Routine K100: Calculation of Reduced Hours Compensation
    The reduced hours compensation is calculated as the difference between the flat-rate planned remuneration and the flat-rate actual remuneration.
  4. Routine K130: Determination of Notional Gross for SI Calculation
    1. The fictitious gross amount for calculating SI is calculated as the difference between the planned remuneration and actual remuneration, multiplied by 80%.
    2. The planned remuneration and actual remuneration are first rounded to the nearest 10 Pfennig.
  5. Routine K160: Distribution of SI Relevant Amounts to SI Periods
    1. The fictitious gross amount for calculating SI is distributed to the SI periods based on the ratio of lost hours for RHC to sick before RHC.
    2. The RHC sick pay is distributed to the SI periods based on the ratio of lost hours for sick before RHC.
    3. The RHC public holiday payment is distributed to the SI periods based on the ratio of lost hours for RHC public holiday.

Winter compensation and winter compensation from contribution amount are calculated in the same way.


The module uses the payroll tables as input data.

  • WPBP: Work Center Assignment
  • KUG: RHC Employee's Data
  • CABC: Cumulated Absences
  • VAR: Variables

The module also uses:

  • Payroll start and end
  • Employment tax formula
  • Total planned hours in the payroll period (GSSOLL)
  • Indicator specifying whether RHC or WC is to be calculated
  • Log switch

Amounts are calculated using internal payroll tables:

  • KUGB for valuating reduced working hours
  • AUSFALL for collecting the lost hours for each WPBP period

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