
RPCSIOPT0PBS - Information System for State Organisation (SIOE)

RPCSIOPT0PBS - Information System for State Organisation (SIOE)

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This report generates XML files aimed at populating the data basis of the Information System for State Organisation (SIOE). The information must be delivered quarterly or bi-annually, depending on the file type.

The SIOE is a data basis comprising information of all entities that constitute the public administration universe in national accounts. The purpose of SIOE is to deliver information to the government bodies in order to define State organisation policies and human resources management.



You performed the necessary customizing activities in Payroll -> Payroll in Portugal -> Portuguese Public Sector functionalities -> Information System for State Organisation (SIOE).



The report presents the following group box:

  • Period: select the period to the report run.
  • Selection: select the employees according to the available criteria. Is is possible to add more criteria with button Other selections.
  • SIOE magnetic file info: select a reference date. By default, the date is the current day.
  • File selection: select the employee file types that you want to generate. Below you can find the possible options and the files to which they refer to, besides the delivery frequency:
  • Workers by age/career/gender: workers by age group, by job/career/group and gender (bi-annually)

  • Workers by education/career/gender: workers by education levels, by job/career/group and gender (bi-annually)

  • Independent workers: specifications of services and corresponding charges by gender (bi-annually)

  • Employees with disability: workers with disability by gender (bi-annually)

  • Workers political job/legal relationship: number of workers (stock) by political job/mandate and employment legal relationship, by job/career/group and gender (quarterly)

  • Incoming workers: incoming workers during the reference quarter, by job/career/group and gender (quarterly)

  • Outgoing workers: outgoing workers that left during the reference quarter, by job/career/group and gender (quarterly)

  • Workers full time total remuneration: remunerations and work duration of full time workers remunerated by the reference month total (quarterly)

  • Workers full time partial remuneration: remunerations and work duration of full time workers remunerated only by part of the reference month (quarterly)

  • Workers part-time: remunerations and work duration of part-time workers (quarterly)

  • Log: select what you want to visualize after the report run. The possible options allow to visualize the Technical log and Temse (XML) magnetic file SIOE nodes, with more details below.

Standard Variants


The Person-specific messages node shows the errors that prevent the employees from being related in the statistics.

In the TemSe (XML) magnetic file SIOE node, click on the Detailicon in order to visualize or save the generated XML file.

The Technical log node shows the XML file information in ALV format. The Entities node shows how many persons were related in the statistics; the Data node shows the persons that were related in the statistics.


To access this report, in menu SAP Easy Access, select Personnel-> Payroll -> Europe-> Portugal-> Public Sector -> Information system -> Information System for State Organisation (SIOE).


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