
RPIGVJA0PBS - Joint Taxation: Annual Export

RPIGVJA0PBS - Joint Taxation: Annual Export

General Data in Customer Master   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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SAP E-Book


Export of annual data for joint taxation


This report creates the annual data for joint taxation for data medium exchange. The data is read from the payroll results for all pensioners. Various data records are created and written to a TemSe object.

A data record is created for each personnel number. The data record contains data from the payroll results and data from infotype 0484.

  • To fill the field for the pension start date on the data medium, either the specified date type from infotype 0041 is used or, if this is initial, the employment status (2 - pensioner) is evaluated in infotype 0000 'Actions'. This status is set for example as a result of action "Retirement". The start date of this record is specified as the pension start date on the data medium.
  • Field KONT - internal classification key of the insurance institution - is filled with the information from infotype 0484. For subtype 1, the internal classification key of the hand-over agency is used, for subtype 2 the field for the tax-levying authority's case number is used. If no information is stored there, the personnel number is used in this field.
  • The following procedure is used to fill the Pension Type field (qualification, benefit) on the data medium:
  1. The pension type field can be filled using feature APQUA.
  2. The pension type can be filled using a customer exit. The customer exit overrides feature APQUA.
  3. If there is an infotype 0484 subtype 1 for the personnel number, the field is filled from infotype 0484 field LEIST and overwrites the value from the feature or customer exit.
  4. If there is an infotype 0484 subtype 2 for the personnel number, the field is only filled from infotype 0484 field LEIST if the value was not filled by the feature or customer exit.






ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   Vendor Master (General Section)  
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