
RPISZGH0 - Generate leave quota for infotype Leave quota (3260)

RPISZGH0 - Generate leave quota for infotype Leave quota (3260)

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The program serves for generating and retrieving leave quotas regarding individual persons or groups of persons. For storing leave quotas the system creates records in infotypes Leave quotas (3260) and Absence quotas (2006).

Values for leave quotas are generated as follows:

  • Values of the leave quotas determined in customizing task Controlling leave quotas are registered in infotype Leave quotas (3260). The program reads all customizing entries valid on the first day of the leave of GYED, GYES absences, thus separating settings for absences beginning before and after 25.07.2011.
  • It summarizes the values of these leave quotas in the absence quota Controlling leave quotas determined by the customizing task, and records the summarized values in infotype Absence quotas (2006).

The program creates the leave quotas for the given period. This period determines the validity duration of the leave quota record.

Recommended use

It is recommended to create the values of the leave quotas for a whole calendar year. According to this, when starting the program will propose the data of the given calendar year on the selection screen.

If you have created the values for a period shorter than this, the generating program cannot be started for the whole year since you have been created values for the given period.


  • You have created the leave quota (as an absence quota). Settings belonging to this are available under: Time management -> Time data recording and management -> Managing time quotas by attendance / absence quotas
During program run, the system will create records only for those leave quotas, which have valid settings in this customizing task for the beginning of the given period.

Program operation

  • According to legal regulations (by rules recorded in background tables), the program will automatically propose the leave types and calculate their entitlement for the current year with an accuracy of 2 decimals.
  • It reduces the annual quotas of the automatically proposed as well as the manually recorded leave types in the following cases:
  • appointment,

  • change in position classification,

  • existence of the absences specified by law (e.g. unpaid leave) when generating.

  • According to legal regulations the program also monitors the connectivity between the leave types.
  • It then records and stores the annual quotas determined in this way in infotype 3260.
  • It summarizes the annual and reduced days determined for the leave types and records the summarized and reduced days (rounded to an integer number) in infotype 2006 (Absence quota).
  • When recording new quota, the program monitors the settings of the table Leave quotas collision rules. It checks whether the type to be created matches the types already created. If there is a collision between the table and the new quota type, it sends an error message and the position cannot be stored.

Reduction of quota types in infotype Leave quota

During generating of the leave quota at the beginning of the year the program also considers the changes recorded under the master data, which can have influence on the types / measure of the leave quota such as

  • (fixed-term) appointment, promotion and position classification for the shortened year.

In this case, when determining the time-proportional number of days the program monitors the interval of the appointment or change in position classification. It compares in which time intervals the data forming the legal basis for the entitled quota type based on the settings have been changed. It then breaks the infotype record Leave quota according to the entitlement interval and parallel to this determines the time-proportional number of entitlement days. The time-proportional number of days is the number of entitled days for the full year multiplied by the rate number of the entitlement days interval compared to the full year.

  • Absence to be considered as reducing time

Table T5HPBS65 contains the absence types to be considered as reducing time of the given person as well as the way in which the quota will be reduced by the given absence. In case of absences the program also monitors the continuous code. In case of absences, where in field HFAJTA another absence type code is entered, this means that it is about a substitute absence and both absences have to be considered.


The values of the leave quotas are created in the customizing task Generating leave quotas according to the settings for the given person.

Under Mode you can enter further conditions to change the program function.

  • Batch input
The program creates a batch input folder. When you import this folder later, the leave quota records will be created.
By entering a lock date you can control how long the batch input folder cannot be imported.
  • Direct data recording
The program records the data directly in the infotype records.
  • Test mode
In test mode, no record or batch input session is created, only those leave quote records are displayed that would be created in an update run.
  • Displaying existing records
If you choose this option, the system will not create leave quotas, it only will display the existing records and their usage for the given period in ALV format. Usage is displayed by reducing the summarized usage stored in infotype 2006. If in the customizing task Controlling leave quotas the usage order is set, the usage will be distributed among the different quota types according to it.

In mode displaying Test run and Existing records you can filter those leave quotas to be created or existing by leave quotas displayed by the system.

By entering further selection parameters you can e.g. create leave quotas for all persons assigned to a cost center.

If you run the program online (in real time), the system displays a list of the processed leave quotas. The system shows in the row of the leave quote an error message if the leave quota record could not have been created.

If you run the program in the background (by creating a background job), the error messages mentioned above will not be displayed.

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This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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