
RPLMOMN0 - MoMi Task Monitoring

RPLMOMN0 - MoMi Task Monitoring

CPI1466 during Backup   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


You use this report to create a list of Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) Act tasks that relate to employees during a specifed period.

The MoMi tasks listed are derived from Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype records that match the specified criteria.


Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype records define specific tasks that the employer needs to monitor in relation to MoMi obligations. These infotype records are created as follows:

  • Individually, for tasks that are not initiated by system data
  • Collectively, for tasks that are initiated by system data (for example, the expiry of work permit infotype record). In these cases, corresponding Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype records are created as a result of running the MoMi Task Generation(RPIMORN0) report.


You have completed all required Customizing activities in Payroll Netherlandsunder Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) Act.


Note, this report does not make database changes, rather it provides a means of investigating and displaying MoMi-related tasks. If you need to edit a MoMi task, its processing indicator or comments, you need to change the corresponding Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype record.


You can make various selections according to time-dependent and organizational needs. If you do not enter a personnel number or a selection of personnel numbers, the system processes all personnel numbers. Note that this is not recommended for larger companies.

In addition, you can specify report critiera as follows:

  • You determine the report evaluation period by defining criteria in the Periodsection
  • You restrict the report data to selected employee records based on organizational criteria in the Selectionsection
  • You restrict the report data based on MoMi task criteria in the Program options section. The task criteria are based on the fields in the Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype
  • You determine how the report output is displayed in the Outputsection. Note that the report output defaults to a list of tasks in the SAP List Viewer. However, you can expand the output options to display alternative output options (such as a spreadsheet or word processing file)

Standard Variants


Depending on the selected output option, the report results are listed. The list of MoMi tasks contains data as follows:

  • Task, this is the start date of the corresponding Monitoring of Tasks (0019) infotype record
  • Reminder, indicates the reminder date that applies to the task (if specified)
  • Processing indicator, for example, task is process
  • Task type, as indicated by the task type code and description
  • Personnel number and employee name
  • Comments


To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose The Netherlands -> Payroll -> Subsequent Activities -> Other Periods -> Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) Act -> MoMi Task Monitoring (transaction PC00_M05_LMOM).


PERFORM Short Reference   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
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