
RPLPFD20FIIF - HR-PF: FI Interface - Display Open Postings

RPLPFD20FIIF - HR-PF: FI Interface - Display Open Postings

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Report FI Interface: Display Open Postings (RPFPFD20FIIF) enables you to check whether individual PF accounts exist that contain postings that have not yet been transferred to Accounting.



You can restrict the selection of individual PF accounts to specific persons and/or pension funds.


The report generates a list of personnel numbers that are to be processed. The system displays whether any open postings exist (red traffic light icon) in the individual PF accounts for all personnel numbers. You can display these postings by expanding the hierarchy.

If all postings for a personnel number have been transferred to Accounting this is indicated by a green traffic light.

If any accounts could not be checked due to insufficient authorization, this is recorded in the error log. In the case of any errors, you can access the error log using a pushbutton.

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