
RPLWPNN0 - PW Monitor

RPLWPNN0 - PW Monitor

General Data in Customer Master   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
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By means of this report you can generate an overview of the current activities and the activities that will take place or should have taken place in the near future. It also allows you to execute a consistency check for infotypes Absences (2001) and Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act (0764). This determines when you should create a record in infotype 0764.

You can generate both a status overview and a detailed overview.


See also the other PW Reports for more info. Note that the reports are independent units and can be executed separately.


Make sure you have executed the IMG-activities under section Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act and have maintained infotype Eligibility for Permanent Benefits (Restrictions) Act (0764).



The standard time and personnel selection options are available.

You can also select the overview type (status overview or detailed overview) and select the required case manager. Furthermore you can indicate if the processed activities shoul be displayed or not.

Standard Variants


Status overview / Detailed View

  • Personnel data
  • Personnel number

  • Name

  • Gender

  • Date of birth

  • Company name

  • Personnel (sub)group

  • Organizational Assignment

  • Position

  • Address

  • Case Manager

  • Sickness data (start and end date of most recent illness)
  • Start and end date of PW Infotype

  • Welfare claimant indicator

  • PW data
  • Start and end date of PW Infotype

  • PW Activities
    On the basis of the traffic light system, you can follow the status of the Eligibility for Permanent Invalidity Benefit (Restrictions) Act activities:
    Red light: activity not finished on time.
    Amber light: activity must be completed quickly.
    Green light: activity finished on time

BAL Application Log Documentation   SUBST_MERGE_LIST - merge external lists to one complete list with #if... logic for R3up  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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