
RPR_ARCDOC_READ - Read Archived Travel Posting Runs

RPR_ARCDOC_READ - Read Archived Travel Posting Runs

CPI1466 during Backup   CPI1466 during Backup  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


You can use this program to display archived travel posting runs or individual trip transfer documents.



It must be possible to find the objects to be displayed in the archive. Authorization to display posting runs (F_TRAVL_RW) and authorization to read from the archive for object TRV_DOC and application HR (S_ARCHIVE) is required.


General Information About the Archiving Object TRV_DOC


You need to restrict the selection either to posting run numbers and/or to reference document numbers.

Standard Variants


The initial screen displays the overview of the posting runs found in the archive with the master data of the posting run (PEVST). You can double-click on an item to access the list of contained documents with the posting items (PTRV_DOC_IT). From the overview, you can also display the history of the posting run (PEVSH) and any notifications on posting (PTRV_RPRPOSTD).

In the list of contained documents with their posting items, you can double-click on an item to navigate to the overview of the trips contained in this item (PTRV_ROT_AWKEY). For each posting item, you can also display the tax items (PTRV_DOC_TAX), the document header data (PTRV_DOC_HD), and the notifications that were issued on creation of the posting run (PTRV_DOC_MESS).

From the overview of the contained trips, you can double-click to display the archived trip directly. The view from transaction PRTE (program call of RPCLSTTE) is used for this purpose.

It is not planned to display the FI/CO documents. However, conversely, it is possible to navigate from the FI document to the archived source document.



BAL Application Log Documentation   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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