
RPSSC00_PRODUCT_REPL - Replication Monitor for Social Services Products

RPSSC00_PRODUCT_REPL - Replication Monitor for Social Services Products

Addresses (Business Address Services)   BAL_S_LOG - Application Log: Log header data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


This program supports the replication of Social Services products (social benefits) from the SAP CRM system to the corresponding SAP ERP system.



You have created Social Services products in SAP CRM (for example with t-code COMMPR01).


You execute the selection of products for a product category.

As a result an overview of existing Social Services products in the SAP CRM system is listed. The traffic light in the column Replication Status indicates if a product replication to the corresponding SAP ERP has already been successful or still must be done.


Standard Variants


Replication activities are recorded in the application log.


  • To replicate a Social Services product, select the product and choose Replicate.
  • To update a product in SAP ERP, you first must delete the replicated product by selecting the product and choosing Delete. Then repeat the replication for this product.


CPI1466 during Backup   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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