
RPUCYC00 - Compare PCRs

RPUCYC00 - Compare PCRs

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans  
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SAP E-Book


Report RPUCYC00 compares two cycles and displays the differences. Differences are based on the following:

Lines that are to be created are not in cycle 1.

Lines that are to be deleted are no longer in cycle 2.

If lines are to be changed, those of cycle 1 are displayed first followed by those of cycle 2.

The comparison generally shows which changes you must make to cycle 1 so that it is identical to cycle 2.




General Material Data   rdisp/max_wprun_time - Maximum work process run time  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 632 Date: 20240601 Time: 134353     sap01-206 ( 16 ms )