
RPUDRQQ0 - Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods

RPUDRQQ0 - Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods

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Payroll Results (RQ) - Original and differences from retro periods (RPUDRQQ0)


Use this program to provide the results for a pay period including off-cycle results and differences from retroactive periods. This program reads every employee's payroll results for the given pay period. The program also calculates the difference between Retroactive Payrollperiods.

Different reports call this program to populate a common data area with the payroll results.


Each program which calls the RPUDRQQ0program must have the RESULT common data area defined.

Programs such as, the Employee Summary Report (RPLSUMQ0) call the GET_ALL_RESULTS2 Form with the parameters:

  • personnel number (pernr)
  • payroll year (pabrj)
  • pay period begin date (pn/begda)
  • pay period end date (pn/endda)
  • payroll area (abkrs)
  • message text (sy-msgv1)


A new table RT2 is populated from normal RQ cluster RT table data. The RT2 table contains the current payroll period results which is the same as the results of the RT and any wage types that have a difference from previous payroll periods.

A new field PRDAT shows which Period End Date each Wage Type belongs to.


Call the PERFORM GET_ALL_RESULTS2 (RPUDRQQ) program as illustrated:

Perform get_all_results2 (RPUDRQQ) using pernr pabrj begdate enddat abkrs sy-msgv1.


  • PERNR - Personal number
  • PABRJ - Year
  • BEGDATE - Begin date
  • ENDDAT - End Date
  • ABKRS - Payroll Area
  • SY-MSGV1 - Return Message

Vendor Master (General Section)   TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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