
RPUGLZA0 - New Payslip: Legacy Data Transfer from Payslips Already Sent

RPUGLZA0 - New Payslip: Legacy Data Transfer from Payslips Already Sent

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You can use this program to copy legacy data for all payroll periods for which you have already sent payslips using ELDA.


You can essentially use the program in any month. However, we recommend that you do not introduce this program until a payroll period that follows creation of the annual payslip and that you create the annual payslip with the programs you have been using to date.


Payslip management requires this historical data to be able to later independently generate new notifications, cancellations, corrected notifications, and so on, for the relevant payslips.


You have checked and configured the Customizing settings in Customizing for Payroll Austria under Payroll for Administrations and Institutions -> Joint Payslip (L16, E18 and Contribution Base Statement).


Ensure, in particular, that you execute the activity Define Actions/Reasons for Payslip Creation. Using the entries in the table, the program controls whether and which payslips are generated, thereby determining the quality of the data for legacy data transfer.

If you notice errors in a specific period during a legacy data transfer or while creating a live payslip and these errors require an amendment or correction to the activity specified above, it is sufficient to repeat payslip creation by executing the program again.
Note that only errors that occur in the current payslip creation process can be resolved in this way. You do not need to repeat the payroll run or carry out retroactive accounting.

If there are errors that you do not notice until after the first live run, you cannot correct these in the data for the legacy data transfer. This results in incorrect and implausible payslip notifications to the ELDA, which, in turn, can result in an increased need to communicate with the ELDA office in the first few months after going live.


You can choose from the following options when carrying out the legacy data transfer:

  • For Previous Month
You can use this option if you want to report ELDA records for the current month using the new functions.
  • For Current Month
You can use this option if you want to create ELDA records for the current month using the payslip programs you have been using to date and also want to carry out the legacy data transfer in parallel.
For large volumes of master data (more than 10,000 employees), we recommend carrying out the legacy data transfer for the current month, since a longer time interval is then available (that is, from when the legacy data transfer starts until the submission deadline for ELDA notifications in the subsequent month).


  1. Perform the legacy data transfer in live mode.
If records for more than 10,000 employees are to be processed, we recommend running the legacy data transfer as a batch job in the background. If more than 100,000 employees are to be processed, it is advisable to schedule the relevant batch job for the weekend since it may take considerable time to run.
Once the legacy data transfer has completed, it is generally assigned the status Incomplete since various errors for individual personnel numbers are not copied over.
  1. Now perform the legacy data transfer in test mode.
The program returns a list of errors. Address each of the errors in turn.
Note that additional selection options are available in test mode that allow you to further restrict the data still to be processed and thereby process data in parallel. You can only parallel process the legacy data transfer in test mode since it is only in test mode that the system does not lock tables exclusively.
If the legacy data transfer has the status Incomplete, you can select from two options: If you select personnel numbers using the database selection, these are processed regardless of whether or not they contain errors. If you do not restrict the selection for the personnel numbers, only those payslips that contain errors and have not yet been transferred are processed.
  1. Repeat the legacy data transfer in live mode.
Once the error list for the legacy data transfer run in test mode no longer contains errors, you can perform the legacy data transfer a final time in live mode.
If the original error list contained only a small number of errors, you can also execute this program run online since when the legacy data transfer has the status Incomplete only the personnel numbers for which errors occurred are selected in the live run.
  1. Notification Status
When the legacy data transfer has the status Completed, you can use the online transaction Payslip: Creation and Management and the Record Status Confirmation option it provides to assign a special notification status to each payslip that was not accepted by the ELDA receiving office. You assign the status Notification Accepted to all other payslips.
If you are processing particularly large volumes of data, the procedure outlined here may result in a runtime error (timeout). We therefore recommend that you select the data records package by package by choosing Payslip → Personnel Numbers Selected → Status Confirmation (Specific Pers. No.) in the menu.
Result: You have completed the legacy data transfer. You can now create live payslip data. For more information, see the documentation for transaction PCALZ Payslip: Creation and Management.

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