
RPUPSVN0 - Copy SI contrib. from source to target REPER for all soc. sec. laws

RPUPSVN0 - Copy SI contrib. from source to target REPER for all soc. sec. laws

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Copy SI contributions from source REPER to target REPER for all social security laws (SV-wetten).


This report is used to copy the SI contributions from one representing legal person (REPER) to other representing legal persons.

As each REPER is linked to the same national insurance contributions (VV-premies) and additional social security schemes (SV-regelingen), only the reference REPER (source REPER) needs to be customized. Subsequently, you can use this report to copy the data to all other REPERs. The REPER selection is based on the REPERs that are linked to the executive authority (UVI) concerned on the selection date.



  • Relationship management for UVI REPERs, in particular tables T5N9P and T5N9I with authority type '01' for the UVIs as well as tabel T5N9R.
  • Correct customizing of SI contributions for reference REPER in table T5N1S.
  • If possible, a transport request to transport the changed records to other systems.



Choose a source REPER.

Choose a source and target SI group.

Choose a selection period. Only the records valid for this period are copied.

Choose test mode or database update.

A transport request is not required.

Standard Variants


The following tables are displayed:

  • Overview of all selected records for the source REPER.
  • Overview of all deleted records for the target REPERs.
  • Overview of all delimited records for the target REPERs.
  • Overview of all included records for the target REPERs.

If applicable, assign the copied records to the transport request.



General Data in Customer Master   Addresses (Business Address Services)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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