
RPUSCMG0 - SWF Census 2014: Data Conversion

RPUSCMG0 - SWF Census 2014: Data Conversion

RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases   Vendor Master (General Section)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.
SAP E-Book


The report converts the SWF Data for the 2014 Census. The following three datasets must be converted:

Convert Pay Scale and Point (T5GPBSS_PSC2) - Development System and Customising Client ONLY

The content of table T5GPBSS_PSC2 will be generated from the content in table T5GPBSS_PSC with the following process:

  • The records that need conversion are the records where Spine Point is in the range "AST1-AST18", "M1-M6" or "U1-U3" OR Pay Scale is either "EX" or "AS".
  • Every record that needs conversion is split as at 08.11.2013.

The first date split (01.01.1800 - 07.11.2013) is simply copied from the original record in T5GPBSS_PSC.
The second date split (08.11.2013 - 31.12.9999) is copied from the original record in T5GPBSS_PSC and then amended as follows;
If the record has the field POINT (i.e. Spine Point) in the range "AST1-AST18", "M1-M6" or "U1-U3" (i.e. no longer used values), then the POINT field is cleared.
If the record has the field SCALE (i.e. Pay Scale) as either "EX" or "AS" then it will be changed to "LP".
  • All other records, that don't need conversion, are simply copied with 01.01.1800 as start date and 31.12.9999 as end date.

Convert Post (IT3216)

The content of table PA3216 will be converted with the following process:

  • The records that need conversion are where the record overlaps 01.09.2013 (or starts after 01.09.2013) and have POST as "TCH", "AST" or "EXL".
  • In a first phase of the conversion…

If any record overlaps 01.09.2013 and the POST field is "TCH" then it will be split.
The first date split (Original Start Date - 31.08.2013) is simply copied from the original record.
The second date split (01.09.2013 - Original End Date) is copied from the original record and then POST field will be changed from "TCH" to "TCM".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
If the record starts on or after 01.09.2013 and the POST field is "TCH" then the dates of the record will be unchanged but the POST field will be changed from "TCH" to "TCM".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
If any record overlaps 01.09.2013 and the POST field is "AST" or "EXL" then it will be split.
The first date split (Original Start Date - 31.08.2013) is simply copied from the original record.
The second date split (01.09.2013 - Original End Date) is copied from the original record and then POST field will be changed from "AST" or "EXL" to "LDP".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
If the record starts on or after 01.09.2013 and the POST field is "AST" or "EXL" then the dates of the record will be unchanged but the POST field will be changed from "AST" or "EXL" to "LDP".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
  • In a second phase of the conversion…

If the record starts on or after 01.09.2013 and the POST field is "TCM" then it will be split (corresponding to the date splits in IT0008) if the employee has been on a Teachers Upper Pay Scale (TU) according to IT0008 and table T5GPBSS_PSC in that date split on IT0008 - in which case during that split the POST field will be changed from "TCM" to "TCU".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
  • All other records, that don't need conversion, are simply left unchanged.

Convert Qualification Code (IT3217)

The content of table PA3217 will be converted with the following process:

  • The records that need conversion are where the record overlaps 08.11.2013 (or starts after 08.11.2013) and has QUALC as "NVQ4".
  • If any record overlaps 08.11.2013 and uses NVQ4 then it will be split.

The first date split (Original Start Date - 07.11.2013) is simply copied from the original record.
The second date split (08.11.2013 - Original End Date) is copied from the original record and then QUALC field will be changed from "NVQ4" to "NQF4".
,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
  • If the record starts on or after 08.11.2013 and uses NVQ4 then the dates of the record will be unchanged but the QUALC field will be changed from "NVQ4" to "NQF4".

,,A warning message is issued if this is the case.
  • All other records, that don't need conversion, are simply left unchanged.





In the Selection group box, enter the following to select relevant employees:

  • Personnel Number
  • Employment status
  • Personnel Area
  • Personnel Subarea
  • Employee Group
  • Employee Subgroup
  • Controlling Area
  • Cost Center
  • Organizational Unit

In the Options group box, you control the various conversions as three separate phases:

Phase 1: Development System ONLY

Convert Pay Scale and Point: Mark the radio button to carry out this conversion and then, having tested (using the test checkbox) that it works as you want it to, run it in live mode and lock all the entries in a customising transport using view V_T5GPBSS_PSC2. That customising transport will need to be moved where ever you need it to be. N.B. This option is hidden in PRODUCTIVE systems as you can only move customising entries into a productive system via a transport.
T5GPBSS_PSC2 Layout: The name of the ALV layout to be used when displaying the result of the conversion of table T5GPBSS_PSC2 in the output

Phase 2: All Systems and All Clients (i.e. as necessary)

Convert Post: Mark the radio button to carry out this conversion and then, having tested (using the test checkbox) that it works as you want it to, run it in live mode
IT3216 Layout: The name of the ALV layout to be used when displaying the result of the conversion of IT3216 in the output

Phase 3: All Systems and All Clients (i.e. as necessary)

Convert Qualification Code: Mark the radio button to carry out this conversion and then, having tested (using the test checkbox) that it works as you want it to, run it in live mode
IT3217 Layout: The name of the ALV layout to be used when displaying the result of the conversion of IT3217 in the output

Test Run

Standard Variants


The following statistcs are displayed whenever they are applicable based on the selection screen settings:

Phase 1 (Test Mode)

Number of T5GPBSS_PSC recs : TOTAL
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: TOTAL
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: COPIED
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: SCALE -> LP
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: BOTH

Phase 1 (Live Mode)

Number of T5GPBSS_PSC recs : TOTAL
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: TOTAL
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: COPIED
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: SCALE -> LP
Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 recs: BOTH

Number of T5GPBSS_PSC2 records with update errors

Phase 2 (Test Mode)

Number of personnel numbers selected
Number of personnel numbers processed
Number of split IT3216 records
Number of modified IT3216 records
Number of modified IT3216 records with TCU

Phase 2 (Live Mode)

Number of personnel numbers selected
Number of personnel numbers processed
Number of split IT3216 records
Number of modified IT3216 records
Number of modified IT3216 records with TCU
Number of employees with 3216 update errors

Phase 3 (Test Mode)

Number of personnel numbers selected
Number of personnel numbers processed
Number of modified IT3217 records
Number of split IT3217 records

Phase 3 (Live Mode)

Number of personnel numbers selected
Number of personnel numbers processed
Number of modified IT3217 records
Number of split IT3217 records
Number of employees with 3217 update errors

The converted table records and the generated error messages can be displayed by selecting the respective buttons on the application toolbar whenever they are applicable:

  • IT3216
  • IT3217
  • Error Log


Choose Program -> Execute.

Follow the three phases of the conversion as mentioned above.


CPI1466 during Backup   General Material Data  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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