
RPUZFAD1_DIR_CHECK - Check ZfA Notification Directories

RPUZFAD1_DIR_CHECK - Check ZfA Notification Directories

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This report checks and corrects the ZfA Notification Directory (Cluster Directory) of selected personnel numbers.

Due to an error in an early version of the ZfA notification creation program, the directory may contain superfluous entries for which there is no notification for this personnel number (entry in cluster ZF of database PCL2). The incorrect entries do not result in an error when creating notifications or displaying notifications, but lead to the database being accessed unnecessarily, which in turn affects the performance of the system.

The error that caused the incorrect entries was corrected with SAP Note ZfA: Performance loss due to incorrect directory entries (930414). The correction was delivered with the support packages from October 2006.

A further error in the ZfA notification creation program could mean that notifications that are already generated may no longer be visible for subsequent programs. The error may occur whenever more than one notification creation program has been running simultaneously.
This error was corrected in April 2016 with SAP Note 2299209.




Program Flow:

  • The notification directory (cluster directory) is imported for each selected personnel number.
  • For each directory entry, the notification key is used to check if the relevant notification is available in cluster ZF of database PCL2.
  • If the relevant notification is available in the database, the administration data (directory data) contained in the database is compared with the data in the directory entry.
  • If no relevant notification is found, the directory entry is marked as incorrect.
  • The system then checks if all of the notifications available in the database are included in the directory. If an existing notification is missing from the directory, the notification key is entered in the directory.
  • In production mode, the directory with the corrected entries and the entries that were previously missing is written to the database. Empty directories are deleted.
  • After the update, the directory is read from the database again and the system checks if it corresponds to the corrected directory.


  • Personnel number:
    Select the personnel numbers for which you want to check the ZfA notification directory.
  • Detailed log:
    Select this checkbox if the directories that have been checked should be displayed in the log.
  • Test mode - no update:
    Select this checkbox if you only want to check the directories but not to correct them in the database.

Standard Variants


Directories checked

(This log node is only displayed if you have selected the Detailed Logcheckbox)

The personnel numbers for which the ZfA notification directories have been checked are displayed under this node. The traffic light before the personnel number displays whether the directory is ok or whether there are incorrect entries. Select a personnel number to see the individual directory entries.

The traffic light before each directory entry means the following:

  • Red,,= The directory entry is superfluous since no associated notification exists or the notification key specified cannot be found in the directory.
  • Yellow = The directory entry does not correspond with the administrative data of the associated notification. This discrepancy is not corrected here, but should be checked.
  • Green = The directory entry is ok, a corresponding notification exists and matches the directory entry in the administrative data.

Person-Specific Messages

  • If there is an error, a message "Incorrect directory entries" with the number of incorrect and existing entries
  • System error during a database update or locks
  • Message "Correction was not made" if there is still an error during the additional check after the update (this should not be the case)


  • (0) Selected personnel numbers
  • (1) Existing ZfA directories

Note: (0) - (1) = Personnel numbers without ZfA directory

  • (2) Checked ZfA directories (2)

Note: (1) - (2) = Locked directories, see messages

  • (3) Directory ok
  • (4) Directory empty
  • (5) Directory incorrect

Note: (4) and (5) are displayed in the message list

In Live Mode Only:

  • (6) Corrections performed

Note: If (6) <> (4) + (5), the messages should be checked


Test the report in detail before you correct the directories. First correct the directories of individual personnel numbers and then check the notification creation (Report RPCZFAD0_BZ01) and display of notifications (Report RPUZFAD0).


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