


ROGBILLS - Synchronize billing plans   CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES - Frontend Services  
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SAP E-Book


Use this report to update the Employee ID by the Person UUID of the Employee Key Mapping entries from a CSV file into the table HRSFEC_D_EEKEYMP.


You need to update the Employee ID by the Person UUID when you use the report RP_HRSFEC_UPLOAD_EEKEY_MAPPING and the Employee ID has not already the UUID.


The user needs the authorization to change tables of authorization group PA.

This report uploads a CSV file (comma delimited) with records concists of the Employee ID and Person UUID.

The report parameter Field Seperator (delimiter) determines the delimiter between the values of a line.

The reporter paramter Include Header Line determines that the first line is a header line and whether it can be ignored during upload or not.

A record consists of 2 values separated by a field seperator:

- EMPLOYEE_ID Person ID from source system

- PERSON_UUID Person UUID from source system

The following consistency checks are implemented for the CSV file:

1) Field EMPLOYEE_ID must not be SPACE

2) Field EMPLOYEE_ID has length <= 38

3) Field PERSON_UUID must not be SPACE

4) Field PERSON_UUID has length <= 32


Deselect the parameter Test Mode for productive run. Only the checks are executed in a test run.

Select parameter Show All Message Types for showing all message and not only the error messages.


In both test run and productive run there will be a output about the consistency between one record of the CSV file against the table HRSFEC_D_EEKEYMP.

Only in the productive run there will be a output about:

1) How many records were changed successfully in the table HRSFEC_D_EEKEYMP by the CSV file.

2) Number of records in the CSV file.

3) Number of all changed records, having a UUID, in the table HRSFEC_D_EEKEYMP

4) Number of records have to be updated with a UUID.

Fill RESBD Structure from EBP Component Structure   Vendor Master (General Section)  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

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