
RSINF044 - INFORMIX Segment Views (from syssegments)

RSINF044 - INFORMIX Segment Views (from syssegments)

General Data in Customer Master   RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases  
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SAP E-Book


INFORMIX System Monitoring Interface Tables

syssegments (Segments Views)

Column Type Description

seg_address SMALLINT Address of segment structure
seg_class INTEGER Segment class
seg_size INTEGER Size of this segment
seg_osshmid INTEGER ID of this OS segment in this segment
seg_osshmkey INTEGER SHMKEY for first OS segment
seg_shmaddr INTEGER Address of segment
seg_ovhd INTEGER Amount of overhead bytes
seg_blkused INTEGER Number of used blocks in segment
seg_blkfree INTEGER Number of free blocks in segment




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