
RWMBONF2 - Updating of Busn. Vol. from Ext. Data File, Cust. Rebate Arrangements

RWMBONF2 - Updating of Busn. Vol. from Ext. Data File, Cust. Rebate Arrangements

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You can use reports RWMBONF0 (Copy External Data) and RWMBONF1 (Create Test Data) to copy supplier business volume data and incomes from external systems to the system.

You can also use the Subsequent Settlement programs if you do not, or not yet, manage your purchase orders, goods receipts or invoice receipts in the system. The reports provide an easy way of transferring your old data.

Once you have created the necessary arrangements, you can transfer the supplier business volume data and incomes to the system. Using a small amount of price determination data such as supplier, material, material group, the program automatically determines the arrangement and condition records concerned, and updates the supplier business volume data.

Report RWMBONF0 is used to transfer, in other words check and update, a data file with external supplier business volume data.

You can use report RWMBONF1 to create any test data that is needed. You can use subprogram SIMULATION to see how the external data records are to be created.

See also the documentation for 'Copying data from non-SAP systems'.

Description of selection parameters

Note that F1 help exists for each parameter.

  • Read external supplier business volume data from

Select whether you want to read the test data from the application server or your front end (e.g. PC). Enter the relevant path and file name. When entering the path, remember that, depending on your system configuration, you can work on a different application server each time you log on. Make sure you enter a complete path, as otherwise you may write the data to the system installation directory.

  • Update

  • Check run, no update

If you select this indicator, no changes are made to the LIS structures in the database. It enables you to check which errors occurred during processing. Before you update external data, you must carry out a check run and correct any errors that occurred.

  • Save under version

Enter the version under which the external data is to be updated in the LIS structures.
The actual data is contained in version '000' (check run before update). For test purposes, you can update the data in one of the versions that starts with '&'. The third character is freely definable. Other versions are not permitted.
You can use report RMCVISCP or the LIS copy management tool to copy data from one version to another or delete data.

  • Reverse update

If you set this indicator, the update of external data is reversed. If, when data is updated in version '000' (actual data), an error relevant to the update occurs, you must reverse the update. Otherwise you have to post the data record again (own external data file).

  • Restricting the arrangements

As in all subsequent settlement reports, you can restrict the number of rebate arrangements to be processed.

  • Control of program run

Each program run is given a name. If the run is terminated early because time is exceeded, the system records which arrangements were processed and which were not, and saves the information under the program run name. You can restart the program at any time (do not set the New Run indicator. Use variants if necessary. See below).
If you entered other selection criteria as well as the arrangement numbers, you must enter these in a variant, as the system only stores the numbers of the arrangements that have not yet been processed.
Enter a termination date and termination time. If these limits are exceeded, the report is terminated. You can continue processing the arrangements at a later time, using the name of the run as a reference.
You can define that all arrangements are blocked (data consistency). Of course, this may not be desirable during online processing. All the arrangements in the system (including Sales arrangments) are blocked.


Maintain the arrangements in the system.

Make sure you carry out a check run. Look at the messages issued, and correct any errors that occurred. Analyze the update date.


A log of all processed arrangements and any related messages is issued.

The report is interactive. To view the long text for a message, for example, you need only click on the message. You can click on the external data file number to display the triggering external data file.

From the log, you can display the update data created for each arrangement or condition record.

You can request a list of external data records (individual record, complete list).

In addition, you can create and display an update log (LIS) for each arrangement. You can use this to check which information structures were updated. In particular, you can track updates at field level.

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