
RWVKPAR1 - Archiving: Read Program for Object W_KALK (Pricing Documents)

RWVKPAR1 - Archiving: Read Program for Object W_KALK (Pricing Documents)

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You use this archiving read program to retrieve data stored in archive files. The archiving tools prepares a selection of archive files for analysis. You can then select the required archive files on a separate selection screen.

In selecting the pricing documents you want displayed, you have the same options at your disposal as in displaying other lists of pricing documents. The archived pricing documents are also displayed in the usual way.

If you select the indicator for issuing a log, the system displays a separate list of data on the archive files read.


The pricing documents selected are displayed in a similar way to a list of pricing documents, arranged by material number.

If you select the indicator for issuing a log, the system displays the main data for each archive file selected, the total number of pricing documents and items contained in it, and the number of pricing documents and items matching the selection criteria.

Further Information

Information on the creation of archive files for pricing documents and on the deletion of archived data on pricing documents can be found in the program documentation:

TXBHW - Original Tax Base Amount in Local Currency   PERFORM Short Reference  
This documentation is copyright by SAP AG.

Length: 1570 Date: 20240601 Time: 080030     sap01-206 ( 32 ms )